Tom McCamus (3/03 Trinity)

Aug 19, 2016 03:00

Excerpt from Cinequest 3/03: Tom McCamus | Trinity

- Fernando F. Croce

Running Time: 82 mins
Premiere: United States Premiere
Director: Gary Boulton-Brown
Cinematographer: Tim Wooster
Cast: Lucy Akhurst, Tom McCamus, Stephen Moyer
Editor: Gary Boulton-Brown
Producer: David Wooster, Robert Carter, Tony Thatcher
Science fiction fans will find a unique treat in Gary Boulton-Brown's directorial debut, Trinity, a one-of-a-kind genre bender that throws a triumvirate of desperate individuals into a pressure cooker situation in a snowbound "Gene Camp" hidden deep in a frozen wasteland. Set in an unspecified future, the film follows Schiller and Brach, two military officers sent to an isolated arctic station to investigate a distress signal. The sender turns out to be Dr. Clerval, a scientist whose crimes against humanity have made him the number one target for bounty hunters. However, it may not be Clerval after all, as the man claims to be the criminal's clone. Alone, the trio find themselves involved in a psychological game of cat-and-mouse, where shifting alliances turn deadlier by the minute.

© Cinequest

Excerpt from Metroactive 3/3/03: Tom McCamus

Week 1 of Cinequest 2003, March 3: Trinity

7:15pm, C3. Criminal mastermind or innocent clone? Doctor Clerval (Tom McCamus) isn't telling, and the doubt gnaws at his captors, Brach (Stephen Moyer) and Schiller (Lucy Akhurst), who have been sent to investigate a genetic experiment gone very bad. In a series of maddeningly elliptical interrogations, we learn that Schiller herself suffered at the hands of Clerval and his efforts to create a race of perfect beings; meanwhile, Brach harbors a few shameful secrets of his own.
(March 4, 7:15pm, C7; March 6, 2:45pm, REP.) (MSG)

© Metroactive

Excerpt from British Film Council 11/26/05: Tom McCamus


A disturbing psycho-sexual thriller which, through a highly plotted story, examines how easily we can manipulate, and be manipulated, by the ones we love. Using genetic engineering as a metaphor for the atrocities committed in the concentration camps, Trinity explores the potentially disastrous consequences of searching for perfection in the human form. A young female officer, Schiller, is accompanied by her ex-lover, superior officer Brach, on a mission to recover a rogue geneticist Doctor Clerval. Together they investigate a distress signal from the gene camp in which Schiller was incarcerated. So begins their entanglement in a deepening web of convolution, doubt and deceit.
Year 2002 Type of film Features Running Time 90 mins Format 35mm Director Gary Bolton-Brown Producer Adam Haight, Jay Firestone Editor Gary Bolton-Brown Screenwriter Gary Bolton-Brown Director of Photography Tim Wooster Sound Steve Haywood Music Illan Eshkeri, James Raiher Principal Cast Tom McCamus, Luch Akhurst, Stephen Moyer

© British Film Council

non-mutant x articles, tom mccamus

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