Karen Cliche (1/09 Ninety-One)

May 11, 2016 01:29

Excerpt from Celebrity Loop Forum 1/29/09: Karen Cliche | Photos on Flickr | 91


I also completed a wonderful short film called 91 a few weeks ago, about a group of friends discussing their earliest childhood memories. I play a french canadian woman, so it was great to put on a little accent and speak some french too.

© Karen Cliche

Excerpt from Festival Focus 2010: Karen Cliche


Plot Summary Childhood memories and how they shape us as adults "There are three sides to every story: your side, my side and the truth and no one is lying. Memories shared serve each differently." Robert Evans, producer
Five longtime friends share moments from their childhood - one part magical, one part comical, sometimes heartbreaking and sometimes tragic. Is what they remember real or imagined? Are they images plucked from the recesses of their minds or planted by stories and photographs? When challenged to close their eyes and think of themselves as the smallest child they can remember being, what do they see? And what does it tell us about who they are now?
Genres Art-house, Children, Drama, Independent, Romance, Short, Women
Year 2009
Status finished
Running time 14 minutes 32 seconds
Production Company Staggeredwheel Productions Inc.
Location Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Financial Overview Private Funding &
National Film Board of Canada - FAP Program
Known Cast
Ben: Brendan Wall
Cate: Karen Cliche
Jack: Aaron Poole
Simone: Shauna MacDonald
Vivian: Alex Castillo
Known Crew
Co-Producer: Elliot V. Kotek
Costume Designer: Alex Kavanagh
Director of Photography: John Choi
Editor: Chris Van Dyke
Producer/Director/Writer: Jill Carter
Production Designer: Doug McCullough

© Festival Focus

Excerpt from Ninety-one Short Film 3/21/10: Karen Cliche

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Finally some GREAT news....'Ninety-one' has been accepted into it's first festival. We will be premiering at the Newport Beach Film Festival in California. It is in it's 11th year and runs April 22nd to the 29th. I am really excited to be screening at this festival because my friend, collaborator and co-producer of this film, Elliot V. Kotek has been a guest speaker at this festival on a number of occasions. He speaks very highly of Newport and this year he is helping them program a spotlight on Australia - his native country.

© Ninety-one Short Film

Excerpt from Newport Beach Film Festival

Lights, Camera, Film Fest!: NBFF Filmmaker's Five with Jill Carter
By Kelly Strodl

Q: Your take on the performances of the lead actors, (set backs, triumphs, impressions, good surprises, etc.)
A: Working in the film industry has afforded me the perfect opportunity to meet and watch actors perform. Therefore when it came time to cast my film I already had a number of talented people in mind. Toronto has a very gifted pool of actors to draw from. I love my main cast! I am very happy with their performances but knew I would get nothing less, as most of them were people I had worked with before.
Click here to watch the Q&A from the ninety-one screening which showed right before DRAWING WITH CHALK, who will have their own NBFF FIlmmaker's Five soon.

The official blog of the Newport Beach Film Festival. Get tickets for this year's fest - April 22nd-29th - @ www.newportbeachfilmfest.com

Excerpt from Clermont International Film Festival: Karen Cliche


Jill Carter Canada / 2009 / Fiction / 14'30
Synopsis Five friends share moments from childhood - magical, comical, heartbreaking and tragic. Is what they remember real or imagined? When thinking of themselves as the smallest child they can remember being, what do they see?
Director Jill Carter
Camera John Choi
Sound designer Mike Welker
Pre-existing music Coeur de Pirate, Béatrice Martin
Editing Chris van Dyke
Cast Alex Castillo, Karen Cliche, Brendan Wall, Aaron Poole, Shauna MacDonald
Decors Doug McCullough

© Clermont Film Festival

karen cliche, non-mutant x articles

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