Title: Ender's Shadow Author: Orson Scott Card Summary/Buy me: Here! Genre: sci-fi fantasy Pages: 379 Rating: C- Notes: ( Quotes...) Here's a stray thought: There were times when reading both Ender's Game and its companion, Ender's Shadow, when I was floored by the strong incestuous/homoerotic undercurrent. The boys are, like, seven years old. Get
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Was it you who spoke the words that things would happen but not to me? All things are gonna happen naturally Oh, taking your advice and I'm looking on the bright side And balancing the whole thing
Do not expect INTJs to actually care about how you view them. They already know that they are arrogant bastards with a morbid sense of humor. Telling them the obvious accomplishes nothing.
"Let me tell you this: if you meet a loner, no matter what they tell you, it's not becasue they enjoy solitude. It's because they have tried to blend into the world before, and people continue to disappoint them."
The better of 82 Writing Experiments by Bernadette MayerUsing phrases relating to one subject or idea, write about another, pushing metaphor and simile as far as you can. For example, use science terms to write about childhood or philosophic language to describe a shirt
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In the desert I saw a creature, naked, bestial, Who, squatting upon the ground, Held his heart in his hands, And ate of it. I said, "Is it good, friend?" "It is bitter - bitter," he answered; "But I like it Because it is bitter, And because it is my heart."