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1) What flavor of jello would
azarathsraven be? Blueberry.
2) Which president would
cloudsinmyhair be likely to idolize? Bill Clinton or John F. Kennedy
3) If
naughty_sprite commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? Scratches his head, probably candy people.
4) One quality you find attractive in
crystalspinner? Giggle to himself, how stubborn she is.
5) If
ravaging_rose were hanging off a cliff, what would
markovincognita do? Cough and have a tremor hit the area on accident?
6) If
markovincognita and
archertitan were siamese twins, where would they be joined? The bottoms of their feet.
7) Would
cloudsinmyhair and
ravaging_rose make a good couple? Drops his head in his hands. No no no.
8) Does
thewickedkid travel a lot? He nods, the kid got around.
9) If
cptncarrot and
thewickedkid were spliced together, what would it be like? Someone quiet and dark that everyone wanted to listen to.
10) Do you have a crush on
azarathsraven? Spits cookie all over the place.
11) Would
cptncarrot and
strength_in look good together? Thinks Carrot is a bit to reserved for Billy.
12) Has
azarathsraven been to your house/dorm? Shakes his head, only Beast Boy had been on his mountain.
13) If
cloudsinmyhair took over the world, who would be happy? Everyone, with a muse in charge.
14) What would
lookout_wendel give
archertitan for his/her birthday? A new mask.
15) Where was
strength_in born? Yeehaw, Jericho slaps his knee. Texas.
strength_in's hair color? Scratches his head, he's never seen Billy out of his costume.
17) Is
naughty_sprite introverted or extroverted? Waves his hands around wildly. Utterly extroverted.
18) Does
crystalspinner have a big secret? Tilts his head, he didn't know.
19) What exotic animal would
cloudsinmyhair like as a pet? A giraffe.
20) Is
strength_in popular? Big thumbs up, there's always lots of people following Billy around. Oddly, they're all named Billy.
21) When did you last call
strength_in? Can't use phones, just shrugs.
22) Is
a_born_leader related to
crystalspinner? Shakes his head, nope.
23) Are
a_born_leader and
cloudsinmyhair going steady? Doesn't think Robin is much for relationships.
24) How long would
crystalspinner dating
cloudsinmyhair last? Rubs his chin, probably not too long. They didn't seem to mesh.
25) Does
crystalspinner have a dog? She has a caveman.
26) What do you agree with
thewickedkid about? Silence is golden.
27) How many monkeys could
ravaging_rose fight at once and win against? Three, if none were armed?
28) Did
lookout_wendel break up with you? Shakes his head, he's never dated.
29) Do you think
markovincognita is hot? After a moment he shoves what's left of the cookie he'd been in into his mouth so he can't answer. Nevermind he wouldn't use his mouth to answer anyways.
30) What is
strength_in allergic to? Small crowds.