good friday my fucking ass!!

Apr 18, 2003 17:04

the past 8 days have been utter shite, and I do mean that.

clogged sinuses + medication withdraws = fucked up shit.

what got me through this besides getting killer pain meds? quentin tarantino. i love this man, his movies, his writing. he makes the word "fuck" seem like chocolate ice cream in my mouth{orsomething} In fact I want to "fuck" mr. tarantino and not have babies, but have complete novels, scripts, poems and just words. i am spent and have empty nothings. blah.

today was bad. a scenrio for you- easter break for my kids- we get ready to go to the beach. they are all excitied and brought their new book "all about sharks" we don't go bird watching- we go shark hunting. so after getting some cash, going to mcdonald's, and than gas up, what happens?? my fucking car decides it doesn't want to work anymore. I'm already hot& extremly bothered because this thing doesn't have a/c. this thing is a soup'd up bronco that I look very silly driving in the first place. hell I almost need a latter to get into the damn thing. {fucker} anyways we sit for I don't know 20 minutes before someone offers some help. And mind you I asked alot of people if they jumper cables before this guy arrived. so...this guy comes along& after unsucessfully trying to get my car to start, he pushed the truck out of the pump station so it can sit in the parking area waiting for the tow truck (bless him), and he than gave us a ride home. Now I remember why I like green eyes, and people with them. Otherwise I'd be walking down 103 right now, looking the part. So yes I hate today. Almost as much as I hated it yesterday. todays' lesson... nothing. so in the words of a certain favorite qman at the moment {who makes a very dorky lookin vampire btw} I leave you this, and I'm shouting it to my whole damn world!!! {maybe tomorrow I'll be nice?}

"hey man... i ain't tryin to fuck your shit up"

"listen you're fucking my shit up right now! you got some people to call... some things to do... well i suggest you get to it, than get the fuck out of my house!"


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