The Truth:
1. Do you like anyone? Oy...I really don't know...
2. Do they know it? He probably knows about as much as I do at this point.
3. Simple or complicated? most definitely complicated
4. Do they like you back? again I say - most definitely complicated
In the past 30 days:
4. Kissed someone:Yes, but probably not in the way you are thinking of
5. Bought something: yes
7. Been hugged: yes
9. Talked to an ex: yes
10. Missed someone: yes
11. Failed a test: yes :(
13. Danced: yes :)
14. Gotten your hair cut: no
15. Lied: I don't think so - and if I did, it was unintentional
16. Nervous habits: biting my nails
17. Are you double jointed?: no
18. Can you roll your tongue?: yes
19. Can you raise one eyebrow?: not really
20. Can you cross your eyes?: yes
21. Do you make your bed daily? nope
22. Do you think you are unique?: I think everyone is unique
Have You Ever:
23. Said "I Love you": yes
24. Given money to a homeless person: no
25. no number 25?
26. Waited all night for a phone call? yes...*hangs head in shame*
27. Snuck out?: no. I was always a good kid
28. Sat and looked at the stars?: yes
29. Do you swear/curse? More than I would like to
30. Do you ever spit?not in public
31. You cook your own food? sometimes
32. You do your own chores yes
33. You like beef jerky? its alright
35. You're happy with your life? for the most part
36. You own a dog? several
37. You spend your money wisely? I try to
38. Do you like to swim? yes
39. When you get bored do you call a friend?yes
Either or
41. Flowers or angels? flowers
42. Gray or black? black
43. Color or black and white photos?depends on the photo
44. Lust or love? love
45. Sunrise or sunset? sunset
46. M&Ms or Skittles? M&Ms usually, but some skittles are cool
48. Staying up late or waking up early? definitely staying up late
49. Being hot or cold? probably hot, but ask me again when its 110 deg. outside
50. Winter or Fall?Fall. I <3 band :-p
51. Left or right? right
52. Having 10 acquaintances or 2 best friends? DEFINITELY two best friends
53. Sunshine or rain? Sunshine, but rain isn't too bad either
More Have You Ever's
Hooked up in the woods? Not that I can remember
Drank a bottle of alcohol by yourself? No
Hooked up in the shower? No
Stolen money from a friend? NO.
Slept naked? No
Been in a fist fight? no
Had a crush on a teacher? In that little kid "he's cute" kinda way, but never a real crush
Seen someone die?I know people who have died, but not seen it
Been on an airplane? yes
Slept all day? come close
Missed someone so much it hurt? yes
Fallen asleep during school? yes....*shifty eyes*
Been lonely? yes
Cheated in a game? probably when I was little
Been to the ER? Once when I was little because I had an ear infection and the doctor's office was closed...and twice with my grandmother. That was not fun at all :(
Been in a car accident? I don't think so
Had detention? No
Cried yourself to sleep? yes, plenty of times
Sung in the shower? no...never....okay that's a lie
Hugged a complete stranger? Probably at some point
Laughed so hard you cried? yes
Regretted loving someone?No, not exactly
Been SUPER happy? Yes, but I can't pinpoint when
Do you tend to speed when you drive?
Do you smoke?
No. I like my lungs, thank you
Does your temper flare a lot?
I try not to let it happen too much
Do you get emotional easily?
Do you get obnoxious when you're drunk?
Wouldn't know. Never been drunk
Which shoe goes on first?
Uh, whicheverone I can find first
Are you lazy?
Name one thing you do that people always tell you about.
?? Well, people constantly remind me that I'm Jewish, but thats not something that I really do
Are you superstitious?
not really
Can you sleep without blankets covering you?
Depends on how warm or cold it is
What position do you sleep in?
I switch it up, but usually on my back or on my side
What do you do when you're angry?
Throw things, talk it out
What do you do when you're sad?
Cry, talk to people
Who do you call. when you have a bad day?
There are a few standards...they know who they are
Who do you wish you could hang out with right now?
my brothers
Name one thing you absolutely can not stand.
Where do you spend most of your time?
If you could fly, where would you go first?
Israel or Australia
What was the best vacation you've ever been on?
Probably sometime in Disney World - though last summer's roadtrip was pretty cool too
Have you ever hit a squirrel when you were driving?
Did your car ever break down?
What radio station do you listen to most often?
Pick one: Papa John's, Dominoes, or Pizza Hut.
Pizza Hut
What is the longest amount of time you've been awake?
Probably like 36-48 horus
What would you do if you found out the world was ending in one week?
Live it up!
Do scary movies make you paranoid when you watch them alone?
I DONT watch them alone. end of story. I rarely watch them with other people
Name one thing you've lied about recently.
I can't think of anything
Well, that was fun. Total waste of about 45 minutes, but thats cool :)
I'm home for the summer. More to update later.