Feb 27, 2011 03:12
- 11:37:14: @ UberSoc but some of the tweets in my TL are shown cut off and is happening since I downloades your new version! Help!!
- 13:31:58: 80's Teen Movies were the best!! I'm setting up my collection so I can watch them again because all that's coming out now is crap!!
- 13:59:09: I feel like is unfair to compare them! They are both amazing on their own RT @cheekystarnova: Adele 21 > Adele 19
- 14:09:32: That it is!! I would do anythingto see her Live!! RT @cheekystarnova: It's not a continuation of 19, it's more mature. Great. #Adele
- 16:38:19: RT @IDoThat2: Finding out something about someone, and never looking at them the same.
- 16:46:49: Diache que enviada!! Foto foto RT @gabbie: Y son mayor de edad.... #sumanifica!
- 17:43:48: @ gabbie voy a ver si puedo llevaarme el HD cuando vuelva a Bavaro este Teen movie collection te va encantar
- 19:14:07: RT @IDoThat2: Looking for your sunglasses when you realize they are already on your head. (by @KDAVEE)
- 19:15:01: @ gabbie mierda pero dejame ese a mi!! Porfa!!
- 20:34:53: @ clocuervo @celsyrod @vcruzcid @tely15 @juanj0se @gabbie jaja clo la mayoria no son 3!! @JaninaRamos
- 21:14:18: RT @IDoThat2: Don't ask for my opinion and get mad when I tell you the truth.
- 22:15:09: Y van temprano el pick up es a las 11:30pm RT @gabbie: @ clocuervo el grupo de los estudiantes va pa mangu... #justsayin...
- 23:54:58: @ gabbie y por quien?
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