Apologies for the delay - real life got in the way of modly duties for a while. Anyhow, we have a total of 10 icons for the challenge - thanks to everyone who submitted entries. Voting is easy enough and can be done by anyone on LJ. For non-LJ account holders please post an anonymous comment of your votes.
Pick the three icons you like best and write their numbers in the main textbox, e.g. 1, 2, 3. In the other categories, please vote for just one icon you feel fits the criteria.
General rules are:
- No voting for yourself.
- No telling others to vote for you. (Promotion of the challenge voting in general is fine though)
- No voting more than once.
- Vote for exactly three icons in the main vote.
- Vote for exactly one icon for each of the secondary categories.
Voting closes Monday July 20th 7PM GMT, with a tally and winners announced soon after.
Poll Challenge 12: Favourite icons Poll Challenge 12: Best Crop Poll Challenge 12: Best use of texture/font