I just read this reply by
loveslashangst to a comment on her story CHILDREN OF EARTH, DAYS FOUR AND FIVE, IN THE STYLE OF MOVIES IN FIFTEEN MINUTES. If you want to feel a bit better about the whole thing, you could do worse than to read this scything take on the story.
Take a squint at it here. The comments and replies, alone, are worth reading.
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Comments 7
If there IS a TW4, I will only watch because, like most people, you can't turn away from loking at a train wreck.
The writers have proved, to everyone's satisfaction, that they can't do plot, so let's just have the pr0n.
(OOOH! I've just had the inspiration for another icon *quickly makes note before she forgets the idea*)
A five-day series on the time loop would grab my attention! Actually, now I think of it, a real-time rendition would be even better!
That said? If they could be paid for something that terrible, maybe there's hope for people who know better and get paid nothing! :D /optimism.
Seriously, though. WTF were they thinking?
At least it puts to the lie the misapprehension that fan-fiction is somehow a lower form of writing.
(Apart, of course, from the type of fan-fiction which is a lower form of writing *g*)
Maybe the dudes at Torchwood should consider asking the fans next time. That's what I would do--when you have fans who love something that much, it seems reasonable to figure out what kind of outcome would suit the story and the fans best. *thinks* At any rate, the ending in CoE sounds rather asinine. We may just have to go on pretending it never happened. Wah!
I was just so pleased to have found such an excellent piece of writing with such ironic comfort.
After a month I can't believe how close to tears I still am - both of grief and anger, but gems like this really, really help.
The follow-up fic is even more awesome and should be commissioned by the BBC as Series 4. Basically, it's scifi writing as it should be -with, yu know, actual thought-out science, rather than pig-ignorance.
Which leads me to this thought:
Q. What's the difference between RTD and Isaac Asimov?
A. Asimov understood what he was writing about.
Plus, of course, that the lovely Isaac is no longer with us, and if I had to chose between one's being dead and the other's not, I know whom I would prefer to be alive and writing...
As soon as I'm awake enough, I'll be posting a link to it.
I love the icon by the way - good old Pythons!
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