12:04 I'm at Starbucks (899 W 7th St, btw Magnolia & Fairview Ave, Frederick).
4sq.com/boEnVm # 14:30 Starving, no food in room, MOMs is far away and I have lots more work to do today, ahh
# 14:34 Screw being healthy today I suppose, I'm eating Taco Bell now and Sheetz later.
# 14:46 I'm at Taco Bell / Pizza Hut (931 W. 7th St, Fairview Ave., Frederick).
4sq.com/b0Sbyy # 20:36 Dude, Lost is so weird
# 20:50 Hahahaha what on earth?? RT @willvandall: #frederick rap:
bit.ly/chSabV # 23:51 Intro and Methods written for lab report... Going well, but taking way too long.
# 01:18 Wowwww I'm screwed for tomorrow.
# 02:34 Soooo just finished lab report. It's lovely, but I needed to spend less time on it an more studying. Insomnia is at least being helpful.
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