what about considering the money from your mom as a loan, yes, but a long-term one. you both want the same thing: merideth's independance. her loan now will help you get your license which gets you a car which gets you a better job. your better job, a year or two down the road, means you can pay her back (with interest if you want).
her reasons for wanting to loan you the money for more practice reminds me of stuff my mom did for me a few times. she's doing it because she loves you deeply and wants a better life for you than she had, and also from the purely practical fact that a drivers license is pretty much a requirement these days. *hugs her twinnie again* i love you twinnie, and i want you to be happy. i don't mean to badger you..i just want you to feel better about all this.
Hey, you. ~snuz~ DD's post up there is vigorously seconded. And I also want to tell you-- I failed the first time I took it, too. I think it's almost a requirement. More people I know bomb it than pass it the first time around, so you're in good company.
Don't lose your resolve, and don't quit-- just study some, practice some, and try again, and you'll get it.
I wish I lived closer-- I'd take you out driving in the Jeep. If you can drive that wretched bastard, you can drive anything.
The next round of lessons won't be a waste 'cause you already *know* how to drive now, you'll just be getting that practice in that you need. You won't have to waste as much time learning how to do all the little things, you'll just be making them easy and natural.
And I know how crappy it is to fail, I failled my second road test (we do it in a few different levels in Ontario, not sure how it works down there) and sat in my car for ages afterwards sobbing until I could drive myself home.
It did help though to watch the tester I had take another guy out and fail that guy too. At least I wasn't the only one the guy was failing.
So have a night to relax and recover and then pick yourself up and prove them all wrong. You'll be fine with some more practice.
Comments 3
what about considering the money from your mom as a loan, yes, but a long-term one. you both want the same thing: merideth's independance. her loan now will help you get your license which gets you a car which gets you a better job. your better job, a year or two down the road, means you can pay her back (with interest if you want).
her reasons for wanting to loan you the money for more practice reminds me of stuff my mom did for me a few times. she's doing it because she loves you deeply and wants a better life for you than she had, and also from the purely practical fact that a drivers license is pretty much a requirement these days. *hugs her twinnie again* i love you twinnie, and i want you to be happy. i don't mean to badger you..i just want you to feel better about all this.
Don't lose your resolve, and don't quit-- just study some, practice some, and try again, and you'll get it.
I wish I lived closer-- I'd take you out driving in the Jeep. If you can drive that wretched bastard, you can drive anything.
And I know how crappy it is to fail, I failled my second road test (we do it in a few different levels in Ontario, not sure how it works down there) and sat in my car for ages afterwards sobbing until I could drive myself home.
It did help though to watch the tester I had take another guy out and fail that guy too. At least I wasn't the only one the guy was failing.
So have a night to relax and recover and then pick yourself up and prove them all wrong. You'll be fine with some more practice.
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