well then, after having taken a close and critical look at your art, I would have to say that you should follow your feelings and listen to the people that comment on your pictures on deviantart...after all, they ARE complete strangers (more or less) and when something's wrong with it they are more likely to tell. Or if they don't think it's totally wow but don't want to tell you they'll prob not post as much(something i happened to notice). For example, the Crush all child drawing...If it weren't good,you think you would've gotten so many comments on it...apparantly they like that stile and are suggesting you stick with it...And personally I think that it might be indeed a good idea venturing other possabilities like real life drawing because it gives you a different look at things. Because the only comment I can make on your pictures is that there sometimes tends to be disturbed anatomy and that you are prone to using the same face shape a lot,which in turn restricts your possabilities. Face shape determines how your drawing is
( ... )
face shapes! that's a good one. this ties in nicely with another piece of advice i got earlier on..to stick with the style but to draw other themes (like medieval or soccer players, whatever). thx for the feedback!
Ik zou me niet zo doodstaren op je manier van tekenen want die is erg goed... ik mis alleen de achtergronden... Je tekent nooit landschappen, althans zover ik het kan zien... Misschien is dat iets om eens aan te oefenen. Dit kan een totaal andere kijken op je tekeningen leveren.
Comments 8
thx for the feedback!
If you say yer art sucks one more time I'll rip yer dick off!
I might use my teeth but that's negotiable...
Anyway, the stuff I've seen at school was really impressive!
I'd say try different kind of styles, not just one }:)...
But yer a good artist!
Gelukkig geen dode konijntjes gezien op dit moment...
de volgende gaat uit naar jou, nicky!
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