1) When people eat all of something, then put the EMPTY box back. My brother does this with waffles. He eats all of them, then puts the empty box back in the freezer. I'm up around2 in the morning and think: oh my god a waffle would hit the spot. I get up to get one, get the box and theres nothing in there
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OOOOOOO man have I blown off live journal lately. Well, lets see. I woke up 5 minutes ago. I walked the dog then ate a brownie for breakfast. I know its bad for me but it's too early to ghve a shit
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Ha, let me start this episode in my life off by saying this: I like new journal friends, I really do. SO If I add you back, you aren't special. Don't go creating 50 more journals for me too add if you're the same person. That pisses me off. Especially If you don't even write in your journal and it's just a way to read my thoughts and shit. That
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