Title: I Drink in Your Presence Like a Bottle of Chandon
Chapters: 1/1
mxtrxofsomerGenre: romance
Band(s): the GazettE
Pairing: Aoi x Uruha
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: not much
Synopsis: “nothing is the same ever since”
Notes: i'm late but this fic is dedicated to the birthday boy. xD
Escape, you call it that name for it has all the elements of bliss your one aspect of life fails to grasp, but when a flash of image reminds you of it, you struggle to keep yourself but you always end up stumbling. )
Comments 10
But it's still evil. ;_;
it's evil? really? but but... how come?
LOL because it's really sad~ and I really dislike sad endings because I end up feeling sad too ;_; LOL but that's just me being an emotional fangirl~ xDD
it's sad? well, i guess if you think it is. but, i'd like to think otherwise. after all, the ending leads to a lot of things. i'm not much of a conclusion fan cus i like stories still living on after the endings. maybe i've hinted that not all of what's going on between them is right but, there are also some things in there which indicate that they'd make it good (if you want to believe, if the reader wants to believe ^^) and to tell you the truth, this is a birthday gift for aoi (tho i doubt he'd like it) and i'm not really that cruel. xD
I don't even know what could I possibly say to this one O.o
It was beautiful and the ending ... oh my <333.
thank you~~~
hm, the ending is quite happy if people will just notice it~~ ^^
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