Title: Early Mornings
Author: mxtrxofsomer
Chapters: 1/5
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG-R
Pairings: AoixUruha
Warnings: Unbeta-ed again.
Disclaimer: Not mine I just wish.
Synopsis: At 9:35, not always exactly but around that time, the person staying in the room, opposite the building where I was living would open his curtain.
Comments: At least this is shorter than the others.
Chapter 2 -Told in Uruha’s POV-
I would never admit it to anyone but I actually hate mornings. They say that mornings are the best time of the day but I would like to disagree to that until my death. Due to my very demanding job, I always slept late or rather, very early in the morning, usually two o’clock or later if I was attacked by insomnia. That was why I never liked the idea of waking up early.
At exactly 9:00 I would wake up with the sound of my alarm clock on my desk. If only I could throw that thing, I would have done it thousands of times. But do not be fooled because an alarm clock also costs a fortune so I had to be gentle with it. Mind you, if I could, I would never want to get up even though it’s not that early anymore but I had a work at 10 so I had to, at least an hour earlier. Thank god I had no problems regarding transportation because I only need to walk for five to ten minutes. I was a bit thankful for that because I could indulge, like stare at my ceiling for a few more minutes before finally getting up from my bed.
I would go and have shower once I am awake enough to walk to the bathroom. It only took me around ten to fifteen minutes to finish showering then another ten minutes to prepare for work like change clothes, stuff the things I need to stuff for my work. I didn’t have enough time for breakfast but I always passed by the vending machine every morning on the way to our office so I really didn’t need to make coffee. I knew drinking instant always is bad for my health but I couldn’t wake up earlier than 9:00 a.m. so I had to endure that.
At 9:35, not always precise but around that time, the person staying in the room opposite the building where I was living would open his curtain. I hadn’t noticed it before but according to rumors, he moved there two months ago so I began observing that habit just a month ago. I actually never paid attention to my surroundings but I think his lifestyle caught my attention.
I don’t know what time he actually wakes up but around that time, he would open his curtains, sit again on his bed with his guitar and start playing. Well, I could never watch him for more than five minutes because I still have to go down, walk, and grab a coffee so I just know he plays. But one day, during my day off, I found out that he would sit like that for hours. Imagine, he would open curtains at around 9:30 but he would actually get up from his bed just around 12 noon.
It wasn’t that I’m a nosey person, I never am. I could say that I was just curious about him and his well being. I mean, he never leaves. He just played like that for three hours, without even a break. How did I know? I just watched him. I’m not a stalker okay? It wasn’t like I stared at him for whole three hours. Of course I had something else to do. But then, I just realized that he was like that for a long time. What does he do for a living? Generally, companies start at 10 so, I bet he doesn’t work in a regular company. So how does he live?
Well, I never knew that because we do not talk. I even doubt he notices me. Well, I never would like him to notice me. I mean, what would he think if knew that I was observing him from a distance, wondering if he was a good person or not, judging him from the way he was spending his time? That is bad you know. We are now living in the age of individualism. I never even knew or remembered correctly my neighbor’s name. I just knew that it starts with letter J. Who the hell cares anyway? But this guy, he is just mysterious to me. Well, maybe not for you but I found him unusual.
Aside from that, I decided that he looked good. I don’t know if he still looks good up close but from my window he looked good and I hate to admit it, he looked sexy when he opens his curtains. His hair was unruly maybe he hadn’t yet combed it when he plays his guitar but I find it uhm… I’d rather not go into details. Sometimes, I would also see him wearing only sleeveless and when I watched his arms move while his fingers pluck his guitar strings, I am speechless. He is gorgeous. God, am I turning gay?
Okay, I had to shut up I know. I was talking about a strange guy living opposite my room. I don’t know him and I don’t ask others about him. Stalking him already crossed my mind thousands of times and I wasn’t going to deny that. But hey I’m not that kind of person. And if I stalk him, I probably would get myself into trouble. I mean, if I wanted to be friends with him and he found out that I was stalking him, how would he react to that? So I should just forget it.
Anyway, I had work today too so I should just mind my own business. I gave myself a final look on the mirror then closed the lights, making sure that my keys were with me. I grabbed my bag from my desk and went out, locking the door before going down.
Did I tell you that our building doesn’t have an elevator? Sometimes I found it a bother but most of the times, I found it okay. Maybe I just got used to it by now. I did not mind the extra calories that I burn when I climb the stairs. That is healthy right?
So before going down the stairs, I gave the person living across my own room (maybe I should give him a nickname so I could address him properly) one last look. He was still playing and today, he was wearing a black shirt.
From the strings of his guitar, he looked up towards my direction and I froze.
For a moment we locked eyes. He had this smile on his lips and I did not know how I should react to that. I felt the warm rush of blood on my face and I was just thankful that with our distance, it was impossible for him to notice that.
I bowed my head with the littlest movement, a bow that wouldn’t be too noticeable so that if he wasn’t really looking at me, I wouldn’t make a fool of myself.
Snapping out of trance, I dashed down the stairs, cursing myself and swearing that I wouldn’t stalk him ever again.
Endnotes: For some reason my muses in my other fic decided to hold a strike against me. So for now, I’m stuck at this. It’s short and I would be able to post the next one tomorrow. So what do you think? I suck at first person POV… sorry…
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