Mood theme [alice nine.] by:
rawkstarr23 Photoshop brushes / textures by:
timidwriter ,
lazypenguine ,
arisubox ,
haudvafra ,
sanami276 @ DA,
luxbella @ DA,
Easy ElementsPhotoshop actions / effects:
Addicted to Design,
dafont.comScans / pictures / other images from various LJ communities (see profile).
*I forgot some of my resources. If I'm using your brush / texture / other resource, please inform me. =)
☆ Asian Music Blog Crew ☆ >>
Tora (alice nine.)☆ Korean Boyband Blog Crew ☆ →
Typhoon (The TRAX)Feel The ☆Shiny☆ Blogcrew →
Tora (alice nine.)[
JROCK BLOG CREW → Uruha (the GazettE)]
}}Tora is my
perfect man~ ♪
[彡VERB. n. (i)
Tora (ii) it's what who I do ;)]
[Tora] 』 is my own personal teddy bear. I can't sleep without him in my arms~! ♥
Tora + Meenji » otp!
《 Ahh!! ♣
Tora stole my virginity!! 》
TORA』is my other half. ♥
♫ I married ♥『Tora』♥ , and we adopted 『Hiroto 』 to complete our happy little
₪ I can't live without some
Saga x Shou fanservice. ☆.•°
『 If I could I would so kidnap
[Shirota Yuu] and take him to Antarctica where his fangirls could not get to us! 』
『 If I could I would so kidnap
[Ikuta Toma] and take him to Antarctica where his fangirls could not get to us! 』
The reason of my happiness → ★
Shirota Yuu ★
[ If I was stranded on a deserted island I would bring: matches, food, and
[Tora]! ]
[ If I was stranded on a deserted island I would bring: matches, food, and
[Shirota Yuu]! ]
I've got
ドキドキ! LOVE メール from [ Shirota Yuu ]. ♥
彡『Olivia Lufkin』is the
other side of me. ~❤
It doesn't matter if I had a hard day, because I know I can come home and cuddle up to
「Shirota Yuu」 IN A WORLD OF ★
SIX BILLION ★,【 Shirota Yuu 】ONLY SEES →ME←.
Saga and I did it for the lulz.
I don't need to be the first one to comment on tons of creative blogcrews with pretty graphics and colours to know that
「Tora」 loves me forever and he's mine!
• Funny, whenever I see Marlboro Menthol Lights, it always reminds me of
Tora. Aww... I miss that guy. ಠдಠ
Yesterday I was sitting >>
alone<< in the
cherry blossom park
when【 Tora 】came and said "I
gaze_rating ♥