Whoo! I managed to get everyone on my list done! Okay guys, please bear in mind that I spent about fifteen minutes each on these because I was just doing them in between comissions. Don't expect anything TOOO great. That being said, let's get on to the arts!
First one up is for
littlenightmareOni and Jesse lookin cute!I left this in gray since both of your characters have gray fur. I decided to go with something cute instead of detailed. Afterall, I'm already slated to draw a better one of the two of you. This was just for fun. ^_^ Oni is scrathing his chest floof, if you can't tell.
Next is for
tearsforaunicrnDido in purpleShe's just so PRETTY! *^_^*
This here is for
reiko_sazanamiReiko human in purpleI went with a WAAAAAAAAY stylized look for you in this one, hon. Don't know why, but "smiling maniacly" seemed right for you.
Here's one for
kiraras_lemonKisune in blueI decided to go for your demonic form. She looks like she's very tired of having to frighten people all day. Can't a demoness get a break? O_o
This one is for
aztec_jaguaressAztec in sepiaOkay, she just had to be in an earthy tone. She has REALLY fun spots! I've never drawn a jag before! FUN! I drew her looking a little forlorn because in your description you mentioned her eyes shifting when she becomes "more depressed" and I figured it means she's like that often enough to draw it. Although, I think it looks more like a "aw, crap, now it's raining" look.
I've got one here for
kappyjeanneKappy in blueMowhawk? HELLS YEAH! Fun stuff! XD I very much like how much energy came out of this one. X3
And last, but in no way least, here's a couple for
peludraxMalik in greenPandora in purpleShe let me sign on to TWO of her lists! So I had to draw her two in return. ^_^ And it has NOTHING to do with the fact that I'm madly in love with her characters and would draw pound upon pound of fan art for her if I had the time. >_> Nothing at all...
I hope you guys like all the art! Like I said, I didn't get to spend a LOT of time on it, but I'm still happy with it all. Enjoy, everyone! :D
And before you ask, the reason all the characters are facing the same direction is because I'm right-handed and thusly draw them naturally that way. Also, I suck. The end!