One Day Until THE MEET

Sep 21, 2012 16:25

My little sister is over today, she is staying for the weekend. She thinks it's awesome I get packages. She was so helpful doing the little clean-ups.

No real time for dollies today... we have a rental inspection tonight. It's not like I live like a pig but it's the worry when someone comes to scrutinise the way you live. So basically, I have three bases. Desk space, Dinner table and garage all had different doll projects in progress so I turned the dinner table for potential dinner eating in the future. I did a mini-clean of my daughter's room, cleaned the kitchen like nobody's business and dusted and wiped EVERY SINGLE SURFACE I could see around the unit.

I hate having to be sitting unable to craft in fear of making a mess the rental company would look upon as a bad tick in a box.

Anyway, I MSC UV-cut coated both my painted heads. So Aurora is now waiting a design mock-up and I'll be packing away Poppy until I complete her eye-mech.

So I got two packages from a DHL truck this morning. One was an order of debut outfits for my Custom Bait Three when they are done. The other was the Dal head I've been longing for, I've always wanted a Dal. I love justlikewasabi for selling me the dear little thing.

I sorted my lunchbox out for tomorrow, my lunchbox is my smaller doll stuff storage. I put my most used pieces in it, new outfits or ones I plan to use. It's so much easier to sort and maintain than my suitcase full of zippy bags. The suitcase is for EVERYTHING doll, lunchbox is for EVERYTHING needed now.

So I am taking my two new Blythie beauties, Lychie and Floradella to the meet. Their wefts need styling, I'll do that after the inspection then dress them and pack them. I'm excited to share their new look with my meet-mates.

The third package was from the postman knocking at the door, it was CCT outfits. Oh I just discovered CCT and their cute, cute, cute lovely outfits.... I blame Sandi, she had a link on the sidebar of her blog.

Sandi, you are not only awesomely talented and crafty but also very naughty at encouraging others in the hobby!

J is cutting and cracking Adamina tonight for me, she will get sleep-eyes and then finally wear her reroot.

I hate waiting.... I hate the waiting, it makes me overthink, then worry and then get truly tense with anxiety.

poppy, adamina, aurora, custom, blytheghost, blythe, justlikewasabi, cct, pullip, bait three

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