Well, today Jane came around and fixed Misha and Tomoko.
First I'll show you the surgery shots in order:
Jane cutting away at Misha's scalp.
Scalp folded over, that bit needs sawing into.
Inside of Misha's head.
Note the two strings. She now has sleep eyes installed :)
Misha post-op. Before gluing.
Apparatus and Tomoko's headless body.
Where Tomoko's chip was, stuck tight to the back of her head.
The girls, glued and secured for drying. I am NOT TO TOUCH.
Jane brought two Blythe/s and two Pullip/s.
Her Blythe: Katie her "All-Gold-in-One" and Beatrice her "V-Smash"
She brought a Panda and a Little Red Riding Hood Pullip, Neona and Rosaly here with Manaka.
Pullip/s with Marin.
Both V-smash together, Adamina is uncustomised (and looks jealous)
All the dollies (excluding the patients)
My girls loved the visit.