Jordann i know you're upset and i promise there are better guys out there that will be faithful and that you can trust, one day your prince will come untill then make sure you kiss plenty of frogs because i started kissing mine at 13 and i still havent found Prince Charming!! I love you girl and im here for you
Stuck up droopy eyes wintch
November 26 2005, 09:10:01 UTC
fuck andrea tat fucking slut. she is gonna get her ass beat one of there day i swear to god, she is lucky i dont go and get her rite now and show her whats up! I wanna save it for a really good time and get her good, you fuck with my little girl jordann one more time you fucking dumb bitch im going to ring your neck you slut i promise you! Watch out.. God i had little bitches that have nothing better to do but screw the person that is loved by a wounderful girl. Because guess what andrea benett it is all going to hit you rite back in the face VERY soon. By the way good job at deleting your last post about your weekend with daniel, your lucky i dont show your mom! I did print it out just to let you know so watch what you say and do to jordann, DONT tempt me to go to your house and tell your mom that you lied and show her your l.j post and tell her about all the people you fucked. Sincerily yours!
oh my gosh I love you too! It's so funny how everyone has something to say to me except Jordann :) Anyways, my mother knows what I do, so you don't even have to worry and neither do I! And I didn't delete it, it is just a private entry! And why do you have to post anonymous? Gosh life is funny, cuz you see Jordann treated me like absolute shit and we are not friends, so maybe it is all just hitting her right back in the face!! Maybe you should know how she treats me before you jump down my throat that you're going to slit! And wow so much for moms, maybe I should just print out your comment and take it to the police station for a threat! Why don't you just let Jordann speak for herself!?! And it would be Bennett with 2 N's but I just perfer Milonakis anyways!! Thank you for taking time out of your precious life to get into mine! Have a nice day :)
andrea i dont have anything to say to you, becasue i dont think i can put my pain and anger into words. You know i didnt do shit to you, okay i might have not hungout with you one time but i did call you to inform you about the situation . But i thought i could have trusted you form the last time you did this but i guess i didnt know the real you. I would never do somthing like this to you, i hope you know how much pain you put me through. But im a big girl and can get over it b.c we all know "if its not alright in the end, its not the end" !!
well Jordann first of all it had nothing to do with when you ditched me, you just flat out treat me like shit and I got sick of it, you know damn straight that we were not friends and we aren't right now, even after I was over the ditching thing. So I am so sorry about your pain, but maybe you shouldn't get so obsessed with people!! But you go ahead and do your big girl thing and get over it ok sweetheart! And i will just talk to you about it at school or something seeing as you can't carry on a phone conversation cuz you can only talk shit online! And you know Jordann when ever I ever said that I was sorry I meant that I was sorry, and you always said you were sorry and just did the same shit over and over again, so now you know how it feels, I said I was sorry and did the same shit to you again!! But I am done arguing, me and you are not friends and go ahead be mad just don't talk shit!! And what's done is done, and I learned not to let bitches keep you from doing waht you really want to do!!!!!!!!!! Peace
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bffl ilysm
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