wtf! cruiserweights gonna be at the vfw? wtf! cruiserweight? ahhhhhhhhh omf theyre like my most favoritist band with a girl singer. wtf. i cant go. i promised my little cousin id go to her party. but. wtf! cruiserweight? wtf.
i dont like me anymore. well i didnt like me today. i dont know why. FUCK i didnt like anyone today. err today was a shitty day. every day is a shitty day. and im still sick. GOSH someone make me be happy! i dont like my angryness a word? fuck
today was not a good day i woke up at 4 in the am and could not go back to sleep, so i called aimee at like 5:30 lol i dont think she liked it very much but wutever and then i was really hyper until i got to school and then uhh i felt like shit. err i hate school.
jeezus christ i hate church when christina is not there. and it was 2 hours today. err to that. yea so today effin sucked 5 nuts and a penis because it was so muthershitting BORING. ahh i hate fridays with my family
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