More for reference for any Tinykea posts I might do than because I think very many people will be using it, TINYKEA INFORMATION POST.
This is what Tinykea looks like! Despite being shopped from one of those tiny Lowe's cabins, Tinykea is a bit bigger. It's not the size of a full department store (lol no), but it extends pretty far length-wise. It includes all of your average IKEA merchandise, serves food and has a tinyplayground. ALL OF THESE EXCEPT THE FOOD ARE COMPLETELY UNRELIABLE.
The playground is very tiny! It has some monkey bars, a tire swing or two, a slide, maybe a merry-go-round. There might be gorillas hanging out on the monkey bars. The merry-go-round probably alternates between being too heavy for a grown man to push, and then being suddenly as light as a feather. HAVE FUN GOING FLYING. There is also poster that details the height restriction for the playground! It changes daily. SOMETIMES ONLY KITTENS WILL BE ABLE TO PASS, AND SOMETIMES ONLY GODZILLA WILL. If you can ignore Sweden going "jiiii" at you, you're welcome to play on it anyway. Sealand may or may not be selling Sealand merchandise there idk, SON? DID YOU WANT TO DO THAT AS A POST?
eta: TINYKEA NOW HAS A KITTEN ZOO ON THE PLAYGROUND. come and pet kittens \o/
And on that note, Tinykea playground is PUBLIC PROPERTY and free for use in posts. |Db
The ground floor looks like your average IKEA store, except smaller. Everything is laid out in neat displays, and Sweden has a desk near the front with a cash register and credit card swiper. :|b There are a few tables set up in the veeeery back for if you want to eat, next to the "kitchen"-- which is really just a closed room that might, on the outside, resemble a large closet. On the opposite side of the kitchen is a ladder that leads up to the second floor of Tinykea.
the displays: like the height restriction poster, change daily. Everything will always be in a different place! NO MATTER WHERE EVERYTHING IS, IT WILL LOOK PERFECT, but that might not matter when it's stacked pricariously to the ceiling...
your purchases: of course it's up to you how often and to what extent your furniture does or does not behave, but! Things purchases from Tinykea might do and/or include: extra parts, too little parts, instruction manuals written in indecipherable languages; fall apart at the slightest touch, eat you, eat your soul, eat your socks or loose change or wallet, make disturbing creaking noises (particularly when you aren't touching it), relocate itself to a more desirable part of your cabin (perhaps the roof), aaaand mysteriously stop misbehaving whenever Sweden is around. I ENCOURAGE BEING CREATIVE. Oh, and you're free to either take your purchases straight from the store or have them delivered.
hours: Sweden actually does spend a lot of time in Tinykea! It opens early and closes for the night sometime after dinner. However he has no qualms with putting up a "CLOSED" sign whenever he wants to leave, so. ERRATIC HOURS DURING THE DAY.
Feel free to assume your character has bought something from Tinykea off-screen, or ping me on IRC/comment here if you want it to happen in a thread! BECAUSE WE ALL WANT POSSESSED FURNITURE, RIGHT.
If you order food, Sweden will take the order to the kitchen and serve it to you. Except for when Sweden pokes his head in to recite the orders, the door is always closed. But if you listen, you might hear the following things from behind the door: gunshots, loud clangs and bangs, clattering, chickens, and singing. 8)
There are several rooms on the second floor! I-I'm not sure how many I IMAGINE SIX, AT THE LEAST? Because I figure people can always use more places to stay. Only two of them are occupied at the moment, so there's plenty of space! Each empty room is sparsely furnished with items recognizable from downstairs. SO, UH, SEE "YOUR PURCHASES" ABOVE. sorry waifu sorry son. Anyone who ends up living at Tinykea is free to invite others in! /o/
current residents: Sweden/Finland, Sealand, Latvia (kinda), Estonia
Waifuuu son do you have anything to add about your/our rooms or your TINYKEA ACTIVIES? And for everyone else, if your character may have made a Tinykea purchase off-screen or hangs out around there a lot, you can tell me about that too! I LIKE KNOWING THINGS.