May 20, 2005 11:27

I just totally realized that I checked my "Daily Singles" horoscope yesterday. Heh, I just get in the habit so easily. Like, right after I come out of a breakup, I will still be reading the couples horoscope for like, another week. I don't know..I guess it just takes me a while to get used to the idea of it.
So here's today's COUPLE horoscope for me. <33
Daily Couples:
Are there holes in your socks? Holes in your heart? Hearts on your socks that have holes in them? Today's about decisions. What do you try to mend? What do you toss?

What the fuck?!
My socks today are cute.
Actually, I'm cute in general today. If my camera weren't out of batteries, I would've had people taking pictures at lunch today. We got a few in Sixth, though.
I am wearing my neon green corduroys. Yessss! You know those pants are hot, simply cuz they're neon green. My mickey mouse tank top...I heart it so much. I saw it in the store and pouted and pouted til my Daddy agreed to buy it for me. :-P I probably owe my dad somewhere near a hundred dollars for clothes.
I was going with my hair down today, but in sixth Desi was trying to dreadlock it by twisting it. I have the type of hair you can do that to. But with the creative mind of Alonso telling her what to do, Desi put a bun on each side (kinda like pigtails) and one in the back. I'm telling people it's a Queen Amadala (sp?) thing.
Karla emailed Granite High with a cute picture of Bert <33 It was cute. :-P
Kourt skipped out on lunch with us. Wtf?! Preston and I saw her as we were walking up the stairs and her eyes got really wide for a second. I was all "Where were you?" "Eating." As we passed, I looked back at her and she gave me this wierd look. Kourtnie and I communicate so easily without words. We can just start making wierd signs with our hands in the middle of a group and leave everyone else clueless, but we know what the other one is saying and means. *shrug*
I am such a pimp. I was laying on Prestons lap, Justin layed his head on my rib sorta, and ed came over and layed his head on my tummy. People just maul me, mwahahaha!
I'm not speaking to Ivan. I'm not even looking at him. I don't see Ivan. I see through him. Little lying two-faced bitch. It's like I said. I dont' care that he doesn't want to date me. It's that he lied and came up with some excuse: "I don't want a girlfriend right now." And then who is he dating? Some chick named Sherri or something. Theresa and I were talking about it while walking the track in dance today. She was like "ooooh, Floral's not going to be happy with this." Damn right I'm not. Honestly..if he had just said "These are all the things that are wrong with you and why I won't date you," I honestly would have just shrugged and moved on. But you can all read my previous entrys. Rawr. It pisses me off. I think it's sooo lame when guys can't just suck it up and say no instead of making up reasons for the person not to feel bad. Be coldhearted, already. Trust me, I am sure they will get over it.

Anyways. Enough ranting about Ivan. Done. He keeps looking my way. In class, he tried to hand me my project and I just sat there with my hands on my lap and gave him a really blank look like "who are you?" Michelle stepped in and took it from him. He kept turning back to look at me. He waited for me on the stairs. I kind of turned towards the wall and just kept on walking. I really am done now. And I have geometry with him, Ryan, Desi, Nicole, Lam, Robert, Steven (<33 he has my pencil!), and David next period. Brooke and Elissa. I don't know. Everyone loves Ivan. And I was the new girl. I'm not cool. I'm not trying to be cool. I'm wierd. I'm the reject of the rejected. Score!! :)

Mmm Geometry. We get pizza today. Like, we did tesselations <33 for 2 class periods, we did a puzzle thing and drew last time, this time we're having a pizza party, and all next week we are watching movies. So glad, cuz I don't have a project in that class, wooo!
I can't go to Occidis tonight. -_- Fuck. Andrew was disappointed. Awwww, Andrew, I wuv you!! You know, I realized today that his hair is naturally black. He's a white kid, with naturally black hair. And some big blue eyes to go with it. Awesome combination. So is brown hair with green eyes.
I still get pizza in 8th period. That pwns you.
I told Ed at lunch, "I am on a strict diet." He said "So you can't have FRUIT?!" "No, I can have fruit, but I'm not eating at lunch today, because I had Wild Cherry Pepsi(caffiene!!!!!) this morning and I'm having pizza later." He grabbed my side and said "Why are you dieting? You don't need it. You're super skinny." "I'm on a strict diet and exercise plan for summer and junior dance. Yup."

Sigh. My biology project. I finished it yesterday. Now I just have to copy it down, do another oral presentation, and hand in the papers. After this year, there is no way I get nervous up in front of the class. Almost all the teachers require you to do oral presentations. One TA, so I'm not a student, one math class taht doesn't require it. 8 classes...minus the 2...6 classes I have to do final projects and presentations in, 3 of which are done. 3 to go. *sigh* Yeah.
Hopefully I can finish writing my cultural event tonight. I couldn't write with my headache last night. -_-

Last Laugh is a good band. They sound like Pennywise. <33
What else... You know, I could go on writing an entry all day. :-P I am just that good at talking about myself. Hah. The true American - me - Concieted, Spoiled, Self-centered, materialistic, clumsy, and selfish. Rah.

I was supposed to be a model for the fashion show at Taylorsville tonight. Today Desi came up to me and was like "I don't need you, but I think my friend might." We shall see. I remember doing fashion shows when I was younger. They made us walk the runway while balancing books on our heads so we didn't look down. No problem there! haha. Then they made us walk it while kicking a foam ball and balancing a book on our heads. Yeah..I had loads of fun. I just hammed it up on stage.
Tonight I think I am going to put my extra credit poster on DevART. I will write out all the facts. But yeah. It's hawt. I got 35 points on it. Mr. Eakins was like "From these projects, I found out some things I didn't need to know...I found out some things I didn't WANT to know..." Kiley and I burst out laughing with all the wierd things I had put on my poster. I had a picture of Chad and next to it was an arrow and it said "I lost my virginity to him." When I went to pick up my poster, Mr. Eakins stopped me and pointed to Chad's picture: "I recognize him." I quickly said "NoYouDon't." And walked off.

Hm...I am looking up my transcripts. My cumulative GPA is 3.902, wooo! go Florals. :-P Let's see what my current percentages are. It takes 94% to make an A.

English - 96.69%
Modern World History - 99.17%
Biology - 123.78%
Spanish 2 - 101.08%
Dance 2 - 112.35%
Health - 97.85%
Teacher Aide (Computers) - 100.00% (<-the class I'm in now)
Geometry 1-2 - 94.17%

Yeah, I'd say I'm proud. Second, third, and fourth term I have 4.0 gpa's, but i got a B in history in first term. Geometry I am a bit worried about. If I lost .18%, I get a b+. I need the A!!! But, I'm not toooooooo preoccupied by it, because it looks like we're not doing any more work for the rest of they year.
June 2 is Granite's Graduation and last day of school.
June 3 I am going to Bear Lake with Kiley and Chelsea to stay in their cabin.
June 7 I am leaving Utah.
June 8 I get in to Vermont.
June 19 Isaac's Birthday
July 1 Cade's Birthday
July 4 Dance in the parade (Hula, or African? Comment with what you think I should do.)
July 6 Summer Dance season starts.
July 20 Art Outdoors (summer arts camp) Starts. I get paid $8/hr for working there.
July 29 Art Outdoors ends.
July 31 Summer Dance season performance, Art outdoors presentation
Beginning of August, Hopefully going to NY for a week or 2
Last week in August, Junior year starts.

Wow, this is going to be fun. Over summer, I have to meet with Kim about my alternative education - Peoples Academy Advisory. I have to figure out my LTI and get my Learning Plan done. I have to meet with Mrs. D and Otho to talk about the Dance team. I have to get up flyers and I have to find an advisor. My options so far (Jawsh, If I forgot anyone, add it for me please?):
Helene Nilson (I hope. <33)
Jess Graham (art outdoors advisor)
Breana Hart (one of my dance teachers)
Holly Bjerke
Mary-Ann Reynolds (eeeeugh! Oh well, at least I'd get to run it)
Renita Arnold (Unlikely - started own studio)

That is it for my excruciatingly long journal entry today. I will not post in LJ again today. If you read this whole thing, props to you.
I love you all.
<3- t3h Floralz_
P.S. I am not pregnant with the next Jesus.
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