Real World
Name/nickname: Jimu or Jimaku. I haet my real name. Dx
Age: 15 on Friday~
But I tell all the kids at camp that I'm 462. |D
Your blood type: I have no idea. D8
Your height: somewhere around 5'4"
The color of love is: I suppose it would depend on the relationship, wouldn't it?
Your favorite brands: Lol, I'm not a brand freak. xD I do like Japanese fashion though~
Favorite and unfavorite food: Favorites - lollipops, french fries, bacon, pretty much anything with garlic in it
Least favorite - vegetables x_x (Except carrots)
Can you cook? ~ if yes ~ what?: God no, I'd blow up the house. D:
Good point of you: I'm pretty much immune to being insulted.
Are you colecting smth?: Uh...
My manga collection. "
What is your worry?: That any of the bands I love will disband before I get to see them. ; ~ ;
What kind of style are you the most attracted to?: I like pretty boys. xD
When you were little what did you want to be?: A teacher, cause I was a little suckup. |D
Do you believe in destiny?: Nope.
Nyappy World
Who is you favourite member of An Café?: Takuya~
Why? (a few words): He's adorable and he's extremely dedicated. ♥
Favourite An Café song: Can't choose. \o A o/
Do you think guys are strange?: Lol no. My definition of strange is, in itself, strange. - w -
What do you feel when you`re listening to an Café?: Happy. They never fail to cheer me up. ♥
As for you if An café members weren't a musicians what would they be?:
Miku - Pet store owner
Takuya - a baseball player 8D
Yuuki - DJ Ozma's twin dancer |D
Teruki - ...mailman? xD
Kanon - rofl, an otaku, what else?
Can you imagene some one from An Café as your pet?: Would Bou count? :3
What is the most adorable thing about An Café?: How passionate they are about their music~
Fantasy world
What is your dream?: To see all of my favorite bands in concert. :D
(Optional) Post 2 pictures (cosplay also allowed):
I suppose I shouldn't post my penguin picture this time. |D