So I just watched another documentary on finning.
Now, for those who don't know, I think the practice of 'finning' is possibly one of the most disgusting and in-humane practices in the world. Yes, I get that killing elephants for ivory is terrible, I'm also a huge anti-tiger poaching supporter and activist, but finning of sharks just makes me physically sick. I don't care if sharks, be they white, tiger, or bull, kill people, it's sad, but hey, we kill more with smoking every day. Considering I just quit smoking for the third time, I'm not isolating any specific group of people, I'm just making a point. More people are killed every year by falling coconuts than attacked by sharks. Sharks are integral to the ocean ecosystem. If they become exist, wave good-bye to our oceans. And yet, finning continues. Letting sharks starve or suffocate to death after having their tail, dorsal, and pectoral fins cut off.
I say that if you order shark-fin soup you should give up a finger, maybe two. Then you can have a bowl. Suffer a little on behalf of the species you're killing off. The great white shark is steadily moving up the endangered species list. It's survived since the age of the dinosaurs yet in 50 years we succeed in almost killing it off? It honestly makes me cry sometimes. If you tell me you have, and therefore endorse this practice, I may just punch you in the face. It makes me so angry and so terribly, terribly sad...
/rant on how horrible the world is today
Sorry, I really needed to get that off my chest today apparently. It's been a hard day. My grandmother has stopped eating and I fear this is the last few weeks she'll be around. The sharks just pushed me over the edge apparently....
*hugs flist*