If you could have dinner with anyone in all of history, who would it be, and why?
History's never exactly been my strongest subject, in all honesty. I mean, it's not that I don't like learning about the past, but facts leak out of my head and onto the floor, so I couldn't even say who I'd want to have dinner with.
Besides, Professor Binns is really boring. I try not to fall asleep in class because I'm far enough behind as it is, but it's really hard sometimes.
Anyway, I suppose now is still history in a way, right? I wonder what it'd be like to eat dinner with Professor Dumbledore. He's about a million years old and I bet he could tell me lots of things about my parents. Gran talks about my dad like he's some sort of hero - and I know he was, I know - but there had to be more to him than that. Mum's family's all dead, so I know even less about her. It's hard seeing your mother all the time and the only things you think are "Gosh, I bet she would have been a great mum" or "I think she was pretty once" or "I hate Drooble's Best Blowing Gum" because I do. It tastes good, but....
I can't....
Never mind. I want dinner with my family. I want my mum, my dad, my Gran, and, yes, even Uncle Algie. I want Mum's family there and all my friends. That shouldn't be impossible, should it?
Some days I hate these questions.