Title: The High Priestess
my_scheherazade Rating: G
Spoilers/Ep. Tags: none
Medium: watercolor painting
Characters: Teyla
Notes: This is card #3 in the Tarot deck: The High Priestess. I'm doing all of the Major Arcana (a section of the Tarot deck) with art from Stargate: Atlantis. Individual cards may be gen, but the overall series is McShep.
The High Priestess )
Comments 4
The description fits Teyla very well, as all your descriptions have fit, and been a delight to read. Love the serenity in this.
However! Seven is a deeply significant number in almost every religion and philosophy, even mathematics! It's often referred to as "The Sacred Number." It's the number that represents spirituality and wisdom.
For example, the seventh day in the Biblical creation story was a day of rest, to set aside time for reflection and communion with God. In Buddhism, seven is the number of creation and perfection, and is a prevalent motif in a huge portion of their symbology.
Seven is the only number that can divide infinity. Start with one and add any amount of zeros. Divide that by 7 and you will get a repetition of 142857. Also, seven is a number that appears again and again in nature, sort of like the Golden Ratio.
Now that I've given you way more info than you probably ever wanted, Thank you!
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