that I don't think I put up here yet and that are terribly washed out by my scanner but I still like them. Anyway, back to my main subject- I HAVE A NEW PUPPY! He is a 8 month old doberman and the cutest thing ever ever ever and I like having a scarey dog tee hee hee.
I luv him tons and tons. Hmm..I don't think there is much else, my mother is going insane which isnt so great but not really new; no really need to expand on that point. I am still looking for a car, actually, that is what I got online for- this is a little break. This would be much easier if I had transportation to go look at them myself, I am not used to having to rely on someone else to take me. We have the christmas tree up, and with it came the traditional argument on where to put it and how to hang what where, christmas is not as much fun with out the rest of the family...I finished up my christmas shopping this week, and wrapped everything yesterday, so needless to say they all look bad but the paper is made to be ripped off right? I like this new thing on LJ where I can see everything at once, it is quite handy and I like the 'lights' frank
^.^. All right so I guess that is about it, another new layout to counter act the dreary-ness of winter, it would be nice to live in the Bahamas. Peace