I see the foreshadowing that precedes every moment of every day

Mar 21, 2009 21:53

I really should be studying or packing my things into boxes :D

After reading a few reviews I feel a little bit guilty for liking it this much when so many people are disappointed. Was it really that bad? Or is it because the only bsg communities I'm watching are those dedicated to Kara & Lee? Don't get me wrong, I love my crazy ship and I always will. They were the best thing since Buffy & Angel and John & Aeryn, gorgeous, insane, self-destructive, giving love hurts new meaning (UBEX will forever be one of my Top 3 favourite episodes). I knew that Kara will die since Katee said that Starbuck and Anders will end up together. I just wish they did it differently. I needed some closure, I love yous, goodbye sex...not just poof and she's gone. Poor little Lee ♥ :( But I was never expecting a happy ending. Bright shiny futures are overrated anyway. (You know, in my head Lee will become something like Snowman from Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake. He will live alone, with bunch of native people nearby - who will totally see him as God - and his own head!Kara to keep him occupied.)

♥ things I loved
- they kind of came back to the beginning and became their own gods, the stuff of their own legends. Maybe they will "break the cycle", maybe - and let's face it, it's more likely - they will frak everything up again. But that idea is gorgeous ♥
- Gaius and Caprica. And head!Six and head!Gaius and that You see them? scene. And I see angels. Angels in this very room. If Lee was the main reason I never thought about quitting this show, Gaius was one of the main reasons I loved the finale so much.
That whole speach in CIC was gorgeous:
Now I may be mad. But that doesn't mean that I'm not right. Because there's another force at work here. There always has been. It's undeniable. We've all experienced it. Everyone in this room has witnessed events that they can't fathom, by rational means. Puzzles deciphered in prophecy. Dreams given to a chosen few. Our loved ones dead. Risen. Whether we wanna call that "God" or "Gods" or some sublime inspiration or a divine force that we can't know or understand, It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. It's here. It exists. And our two destinies are entwined in its force.

You know, I know about farming. ♥
- Happy Agathons!
- Lee Adama. Every frakkin' second he was on screen.
- the Earth not being Earth and the not!Earth being Earth or the not!Earth being Earth and our Earth not actually being Earth... well, you get it, right? That whole Earth is a dream. One we've been chasing for a long time. We've earned it. This is earth.
- president Romo and admiral Hoshi!
- Laura and Cottle. It was the first moment that made me cry.
- that Opera house/Galactica scene. I had goosebumps the whole time.
- that pigeon thing. I still have no idea what it meant (and I maybe it didn't mean anything at all) but it was lovely.
- That's my Raptor wranglers. Always looking for new and interesting ways to get killed. And that little smile Athena gave Helo that makes make me believe in the end everything will be okay.
- It’s still not too late to flush them all out the airlock. ♥
- Saul and Ellen being the true OTP of this show ♥
- Bill and Laura. I think it was during the scene where he was carrying her to the Raptor when I've finally started trully shipping them :) And when he put his ring on her finger... But no matter how sad it was I'm glad she died.
- All Along the Watchtower being the key to find the way to Earth/not!Earth/whatever. Kara's there must be some way out of here, those flashbacks when she was entering coordinates into FTL...and how it was all dead Maggie's fault that they had to leave and ended up on Earth.
- Sammy ♥ It was a great way to go.
- What do you hear, Starbuck? - Nothing but the rain. ♥ I completely lost it there ;(

♥ things I could live without
- that robot montage in the final scene? WTF? It should end with Bill sitting near Laura's grave. Or maybe head!Six and head!Gaius. Also, seeing Ron on screen was weird. Not bad, just distracting.
- Starbuck just disappearing like that.
- Athena killing Boomer. I get it, she did it to protect Hera, but I always loved Boomer and part of me never stopped hoping that she and Tyrol will get their happy ending.
- I double dog dare you! I love that flashback, it was great moment, they were so happy, so young and pretty and Lee was gorgeous ♥ and drunk Zak was beyond adorable. But no matter how frakked up they were/ended up being, I just don't believe they would do something like this. Have sex on table just few steps from his brother/her boyfriend. Nothing major happened, but still...it felt wrong :(
- well, I could live without this show being gone. But like they say, all good things come to an end.

Firstly, I want to thank Joss for letting Eliza keep her clothes on for once and giving us half-naked Tahmoh instead. I love Eliza, she's delicious, but I also like my Helo shirtless :D

It was awesome episode. (Trust the man. When he says it will blow your mind, he's not kidding :) Lots of new questions, Paul finally meeting Caroline/Echo...
And Mellie ♥ I love Mellie/November. Miracle Laurie is so pretty ♥ (Do you know those Which _____ character are you quizes? I would be Mellie. I would spent whole days in front of Tahmoh's door, I would cook for him and dream about marrying him and having his babies. We would be hanging out and be all neighboury and then one day he would kiss me and I would melt into a puddle of happy goo. The end of story :D) When she and Paul had sex, I was like 'Oh, no! This is Joss. One of you will die a horrible death, probably sometimes in next ten minutes!' Finding out she is an another doll was actually a relief :)

tv that breaks your heart, kara/lee otp, this is all that matters, lee adama is my boyfriend, lee adama loves kara thrace, tv: battlestar galactica, tv: dollhouse, paul/mellie, tahmoh is my boyfriend too

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