btw, jenna and salina are here[dont be scared]

Apr 04, 2005 15:13

01. name: jessica
02. single or taken: taken
03. sex: female
04. b'day: april 15th
05. sign: aries
06. siblings: one older brother tony[21]
07. hair colour: dark brown
08. eye colour: dark brown
09. shoe size: 8
10. height: 5'3"

r e l a t i o n s h i p s
01. who are your best friends? manda, salina, pj, tj
02. do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? yes

f a s h i o n | s t u f f
01. where is your favorite place to shop? hmmm, i love steve n barrys..and..OHOH target.
02. any tattoos or piercings? zippo

s p e c i f i c s
01. do you do drugs? no
02. what kind of shampoo do you use? suaaveeee. tehe, and garnier fructis.
03. what are you most scared of? drowning
04. what are you listening to right now? lynard skynard
05. who is the last person that called you? uuuh..?
06. where do you want to get married? outside
07. how many buddies are online right now? 40

h a v e | y o u | e v e r
01. given anyone a bath? yes
02. smoked? no
03. bungee jumped? no
04. made yourself throw up? no
05. skinny dipped? no
06: ever been in love? yeah..
07. made yourself cry to get out of trouble? nah.
08. pictured your crush naked? no..
09. actually seen your crush naked? no.
10. cried when someone died? yes
11. lied: yes
12. fallen for your best friend? bad. badbadbad.
13. been rejected? not really no
14. rejected someone? yeah=/
15. used someone? no
16. done something you regret? uh huh

c u r r e n t
clothes: blue track pants, white track jacket, pink wife-beater
music: ac/dc
smell: a hockey rink[a cold, excited smell]. i cant explain it..but ilove it
favorite group: hmf..uh. way too many..dun feel like typing. but its probly queen
desktop picture: snowboarder in nyc
book you're reading: nothin
cd in player: jimi hendrix
dvd in player: the sandlot

l a s t | p e r s o n
you touched: aunt melissa
hugged: aunt melissa
you imed: salinamaca
yelled at: well. im yellin at james in my head.

a r e | y o u
understanding: yeah basically
open-minded: yes
arrogant: no not really
interesting: ehhh
random: extremely
hungry: yyyyyus.
smart: when i wanna be. which is most of the time.
moody: too much.
hardworking: when i want to be
organized: eh not really
healthy: for the most part
shy: not at alll
difficult: sometimes
attractive: ehhh. not really no.
bored easily: hah; anythin amuses me.
messy: mostly/
responsible: sometimes
obsessed: with some things
angry: when someone makes me angry[which, all the assholes of the world are like. OH MY LYKE GOSH JESSIE YOU GET MAD SO EASILY. im like, yah no wonder. its cuz you say that. but whatever..its not my fault. i inherit my craziness from my mother.]
sad: when someone makes me sad.
happy: not right now.
hyper: not right now either
trusting: sometimes too much
talkative: yes
legal: no

w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a
get really wasted with: uuh..aha salina. thatd be funny.
get high with: no one
look like: drew barrymore..shes adorable
talk to offline: waihnelktaushetglishfdjfgdfh
talk to online: same one^

r a n d o m
in the morning i am: tired; weak.
all i need is: loveeeeeee[allll you need is looooooove. i love the beatles]
love is: complicating[oor in salinas words.."one big sucky sucker"]
i dream about: whatever happens to pop into my head.

w h i c h | i s | b e t t e r
coke or pepsi: pepso
flowers or candy: candy
tall or short: tall

o p p o s i t e | s e x
what do you notice first: hair/teeth
last person you slow danced with: tj

who makes you laugh the most: pj/salina
Who gives you a funny feeling when you see them: =Xmy lips are sealed.
Who do you have a crush on: well uh james i guess
Who has a crush on you: no one?

d o | y o u | e v e r
sit on the internet: sure
save conversations: yes
wish you were a member of the opposite sex: sometimes yes.
wish you were younger: all the time
cry because someone said something to you: no

n u m b e r
of times i have had my heart broken: twice..
of hearts i have broken: like. one. or something. maybe none. probably none. cuz guys suck.
of guys i've kissed: two.
of girls i've kissed: oh gosh. one.
of continents i have lived in: one
of tight friends: 4
of cds i own: manymany
of scars on my body: heh im so clumbsy. so like..10. or so.
of things that i regret: a few.

y o u r | t h o u g h t s
i know: that being a girl sucks. we have all the pressure from other people then the pressure that we have to look pretty with long pretty hair and big GIGOMONDOUS BOOBIES.
i want: another fudgie
i wish: that i could have jenna's butt
i hate: that theres no more hockey[and that jenna has a bigger butt than me]
i fear: jenna's big butt
I hear: jenna talking about her butt
i search: my soul.
i wonder: what jenna's butt-size and if indeed there is a butt size
i regret: jenna's complete stupidity
i love: SALINA'S BUTT. duh.
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