May 26, 2005 18:22
it seems as though life is mocking me. its like its on repeat. i find myself at old familiar places without any intent of ending up there. they seem insignificant but when i stop and think there was something there that was important. two more days would have been a year.
May 07, 2005 21:33
this will probably be my last entry for a long time. i dont need a journal to show me how my life has been
May 03, 2005 18:20
it should have been me dont they know that im Elvis Fucking Christ!
Feb 24, 2005 17:38
not sure how i feel today. slightly happy. slightly pissed. happy with you though.
Feb 17, 2005 16:36
i live in my new house
my turtle died
im constantly back and forth with my moods
happy sad happy mad happy mad mad mad happy mad mad etc.
but i feel like i hang out with my friends more and that keeps me busy and happy
ive got a show tonight.
au revoir
Jan 26, 2005 21:17
"tell me something, do you ever think-"
"no sir, a gentlemen has more important things to do," (gulp)
only two more nights until i move into my new house. score one for Gabe! *karate kick