Well, it's official. Al is no longer an Elf Ttori.
I no longer own an Elf Ttori.
Payment is confirmed, face is repainted, box is carefully, oh so carefully, packed and wrapped and labeled. Ships out first thing tomorrow. The buyer is the lovely pooklaroux on DoA, who I know will really enjoy and take wonderful care of him, and I can't wait to see who that sweet little shell becomes in her care. But that part of Al's resin existence is over.
Not to say he's gone, of course. My sweet little boy? Never. Just missing in the short term, and soon to return. The final decision is as follows:
MNF Seorin, normal and sleeping heads
Beautiful Line (aka Old) boy body
Normal skin
Hands #5
Only thing that might change is the body, if they come out with a slender Active Line body before I make the order--I like the posability, just not the muscles for him.
And here's a fun photoshop idea of what he'll be a bit like (ignoring, of course, the bra straps of using an originally female picture):
I'm happy with this decision. Sad to see that cute little Ttori face go, but I'm certain that this is the right thing to do both for myself and for the little guy. It'll take a few weeks to make the order and then the usual few months from Fairyland, but it's going to work. I can feel it.
Another ending, less hopeful: My LJ subscription ends this week. But I really don't post enough anymore for it to be worth anyone's money to keep it going, so I'll just simplify things back down to the usual icons.