(no subject)

Nov 27, 2009 08:30

Your Name/what you go by: Owl
AIM/E-mail/contact info - some way of reaching you: The Owl signal.
Your character's name (last, first): Vash the Stampede
Series your character's from: Trigun
Background info on your character: OUR STORY BEGINS in the town of Fernarl on the planet Gunsmoke No Man's Land, where two insurance ladies named Meryl Stryfe and Milly Thompson are searching for a man named Vash the Stampede. You see, Vash has a terrible habit of destroying everything everywhere he goes! And that obviously doesn't bode well for an insurance company. The rumors they receive of him are of a scary, threatening, and downright dangerous man of the highest degree, when in reality...

... Vash is a huge dork. The Bernadelli Insurance Girls end up chasing the wrong guy and Vash reveals himself to be a tall, lanky pursuer of love and peace and... well, destruction. He can't help that it follows him wherever he goes! But he never ends up killing anyone, because above all things, Vash values life. The Insurance Girls tell him (before they know it's him) that they need to put Vash under 24-hour surveilance because he's no longer classified as a person, but as a natural disaster. Did I mention he has a 60 billion $$ bounty on his head? Life sucks for Vash. It's even harder because he's such a pacifist when EVERYONE IS OUT TO KILL HIM. He goes from being a bodyguard for hire (ends up flooding an entire town) to helping (and possibly getting groped by) out an old gunmaker with his problems (and getting very, very drunk in the process) to walking into a hostage situation because he had headphones in. Everything works out in the end though, for all those situations, and though people get hurt, no one dies, because that's what Vash lives by!

Vash has many an adventure-- he gets pursued by an entire city in desperate need for money, but somehow saves the city and gets them the money by getting them a slightly lesser bounty. He works as a bodyguard for a woman, but it turns out she tried to kill him all along :'( You see, Vash has a very, very nasty blemish on his 'good boy record' ... and that is taking out July City. Yes, the entire city. Everyone died, including her parents, and that's why she wanted to take revenge! Like all things, it works out in the end, buuut it gives good insight to why Vash's smile seems fake sometimes. Also, we learn that Vash hasn't aged in over 30 years. Ooh, intriguing. From then on, he boards a Sand Steamer (a giant method of transportation on sand! Self explanatory) with the insurance girls to live a life of peace! Or not. Long story short, bandits attack, they fail, Vash teams up with an orphan boy and teaches him some valuable life lessons, and we learn a name that is very important to Vash: Rem Saverem.

After steamer adventures, Vash and the girls get on a bus and get cruising-- where the pick up a priest hobo called Nicholas D. Wolfwood, who proceeds to drink all of Vash's water and start an immediate bromance... kinda. He's the first person to pick up that Vash isn't really running on sunshine and rainbows. Together, they save a child from a bunch of Tachikomas-- I mean, lost technology from ages ago. We learn that GUN IS ARM on Vash! Yaaay robo cyborg plant. ... And on that note, why don't we cover Vash's background? (And by cover Vash's background, I mean heavily edit his old app's background for non-failure and paste it here)

To tell the truth, he's NOT human, but a plant, a source of power and energy on the planet, kind of like a nuclear power plant! But with less atoms. As one of these plant-thingies, he does not age (131 years old, sup) and his right arm can turn into the holy-shit-what-the-fuck destructive weapon called the Angel Arm if it can take out chunks of the moon, you know it's not awwwwright.

Anyway, he was born on a colony ship along with his bff bro Knives. And while the ship was still flying, a nice lady named Rem Saverem took care of them both, as they matured to their pre-teens in a single year. \o__o/ Not much of a childhood, but anyway, they learned that they had a big sister at one point that was an experimental subject who died from all the testing. :( Rem tells them that she'll do everything she can to protect them, Vash goes along with it but Knives is like 'fuck this'and starts to loath humanity and everything that comes with it. You see where this is going? Anyway, Psycho McTwinBrother caused the great fall by setting up the bomb tampering with machinery on the ships. And, of course, Rem sacrificed herself to counteract his actions. She was truly a hero, and the reason anyone was able to survive the crash at all.

Anyway, both Vash and Knives survived it, and Vash loses no time in finding out his brother was the cause of everything. Crawling in his skin and whatnot. Knives tries to, er educate Vash that all humanity is scum and worthy of nothing short of utter destruction, and of course, our little soldier of Love&Peace still believes that this is WRONG (surprise) and won't just let Knives become the happy little genocidist he wants to be. While they were apart, Knives learns that being a plant-boy, he's got access to a loooot of power, such as manifesting his arm into an array of unpleasant weapons. When he and Vash have their friendly family reunion again, Knives is like 'lol hax'and easily gets an upper hand on him, forcing Vash to activate HIS plant-y powers. HIS manifest into a canon and Vash shoots him with it, swallowing the entire city around them.


And Knives somehow survives this due to his freaky plant DNA and a doctor. Vash started to wander the planet again, memories now a little bit fuzzy, with that shiny bounty on his head, looking for Knives. He didn't know when he'd meet him, but knew if he did nothing, the entire human race would go kaput. Now let's go back to covering present-day.

Such antics happen such as Vash and Wolfwood trolling a shooting contest together, rescuing people from a slave-trading caravan, but then the plot appears. A rather horrifying man named Legato Bluesummers lands Vash in jail. Another one of his lackeys, Monev the Gale, tries to kill Vash, and despite Vash's efforts to stop him. Monev manages to kill a ton of people in the ensuing fight. We get to see rage unlike any other before with Vash, and while he, in all his fury, tries to kill Monev, he just... can't do it. Angst ensues. When the angst ceases, antics ensue. Vash reunites a family torn apart by money and is badass about it, because that's just his thing. Then we meet Legato and the Gung-ho Guns, the antagonists from this point on, are introduced. Vash has a battle with Dominique the Cyclops, a very charming young lady he proclaims he could have groped a few times during the battle. He lets her live.

Legato is fat. Also, in the town of Augusta, some Gung-ho Guns die and Legato uses mind-control on Vash in order to expose his ANGEL ARM no he isn't Sephiroth. He blows up the entirety of Augusta, and a hole in the fucking moon. Guilt complex fully reestablished, Vash continues on his merry way and tells the Insurance Girls they must split up for real this time. INSERT A COUPLE YEARS OF TIMESKIP. Vash takes on the name Eriks and lives with two lovely ladies-- until he meets up with Wolfwood again. What he wants to live is a normal life, because when he's on the move, nothing but bloodshed and destruction follows! And he's... kind of got a point. But, Vash realizes his journey is not done, and he can't saddle these two women with the burden of looking after him any longer, so he dons the red coat and Vash is born again!

I'm taking him from this point so I'll stop there, because ye gods, this app is already stupid long.

Personality-wise, Vash is ALL OVER THE PLACE. Everyone is familiar with his outer personality--cheerful, witty, and positive. He has the tendency to do the stupidest things and just be completely random and is unpredictable by nature no matter how he's acting. Chances are, if you have something valuable and big, you should probably keep it away from Vash because he has a terrible tendency to wreck shit. He'll be a good friend and he's probably one of the most trustworthy guys you'll ever meet-- in that, you can trust him to always do the best thing and keep people alive, even if you question his methods. WHILE THEY ARE STRANGE, they work. He also loves the ladies long time and may or may not enjoy perving. It's all good, it's all good. He also tosses random bits of other languages in his speech sometimes-- it's just something he does.

This is the personality most everyone sees, and the personality most people will see on the island. Underneath, Vash is a walking, talking ball of guilt. Fear of himself and regrets for his past actions is practically written into every fiber of his being. Because he's responsible for taking so many lives, and because of what Rem Saverem taught him, Vash values human life more than anything in the world-- to the point where he will not let anyone get killed--and he views suicide as the very worst crime against this philosophy. Even with these two components of himself, Vash is not someone you want to make mad. Not exaggerating when I said he took out entire cities-- he packs a powerful, powerful punch even if he'd really rather not use it. He will only use his weapons to save lives, with minimal exceptions due to character development.

Vash is fairly philosophical-- though he acts like an airhead, he picks up on things pretty quickly, and can analyze other people fairly well, if you'll exclude himself. But that's okay, he has (had) Wolfwood for that. When he isn't up to his wacky antics, he's surprisingly great at giving advice. Even if he can't set himself on the right track, he'll definitely go out of his way to put you there. Even if the joke has been dead for ten years, Vash is a true endorser of LOVE AND PEACE! and wants the world to live at peace! Naturally, such a thing is impossible-- so he'll do whatever he can to get as close to that goal as he can. Atonement complexes: Making the impossible, possible.

While his happy side isn't an outright lie, it's not entirely true either. Wolfwood was able to pick up on the BAWWW deep inside, so it's really not impossible to do so. Your character just has to be incredibly perceptive to do so, and even then, unless you get to bond or bromance with him, he won't unveil that weak spot that's his real emotions. Described both as a hero and a total monster by the people of No Man's Land, Vash will sooner refer to himself as nothing special. Just a simple coat-wearing gunslinging keeper of the peace.

Sample post: Island! Big, beautiful island. First of all, I'd like to thank you for the enchanting view-- never seen that much water in one place before!-- and it's a pretty sight for eyes as sore as mine, and believe me, they're very sore. Traveling through the desert will do that to you! The rest of me's kinda sore too, but that's for another reason, so don't think too hard on it.

I am kind of confused though, but can you blame me? Out of all my travels, the inter-dimensional type has never been my forte! Especially if there's no warning. You look like you're very well off for an island! You can hire some kind of attendant, right? 'Please brace yourself for the whiplash and maybe a face full of sand'. I won't even ask for mid-flight peanuts or an extra pillow. Promise!

... Okay, so, you don't specialize in the comforts of home. You shoot for the opposite here! Pardon my ignorance, but that's kind of mean. Not that I'm new to the kidnapping business, of course-- you see one gun-toting hostage situation in a bar, you've seen them all. Not quite the same thing, but please bear with me! --But it's such a waste of your big, beautiful beaches! You think that's a fat quip? No! No no no no, definitely not! Bigger is better! I was expecting a slap there for a second... You could have an... I don't know, a resort! The inn is nice, but... well, it reminds me of the ones from home. Which is bad, because I usually end up destroying those in some way. But I'll behave, don't you worry.

Hey, why don't we cut a deal? You send me back to my world, and I'll find you the best vacation planner in the world, and have them give you some tips! Pretty fair, no? And if you need love advice about that... Australia person you mentioned, well, I don't mean to brag, but I've got some really good one liners for that sort of situation. Here's how you do it-- get a pair of sunglasses. Like mine, if you can find some! Walk by and give them a knowing glance before unfolding them and putting them on-- and in a smooth voice, like so, say...

"Australia, do your mountains always look so fine? Because today, they've really got me... at my peak."

... What? No good?

A list of things your character might have on them after they got snatched up and put on this island:
-Huge red trench coat
-The EAGLE Arms .45 Long Colt
-Stylish sunglasses.
-Headphones and radio
-Traveling bag of...stuff.
-Wanted poster


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