This is very interesting...I never really felt like a "rebel" and certainly never wanted to stand out. But I guess I was, and I always did. And I guess I still am, and still do...heh. Sometimes I think about how nice a routine, stable life would be. I dunno if I could hack it. But good to hear from one who has crossed over.
At the time, I always saw myself as wanting to fit in -- Of course, I would always choose the route to stand out. With a different perspective on it, I realize that I wanted to stand out (I think)!
My thoughts on this are as follows:
If you don't want to change, then don't start giving up bits of yourself to feed the machine. Because once you give in, it's easier to give another piece next time. Soon, you've given up everything and you realize that you can never get those pieces back.
I see your point, but truthfully, we are forced to change as we get older. You cannot function in the real world outside of your parents house being the same flamboyant youth as you were before.
It comes down to survival, you must adapt. You have not changed, your life has changed. And whether or not you choose to stay where you are, or move with it is up to you. Inside you are the same person.
Until we have everything automated and there are robots working the jobs that we used to, we will have to conform to society just enough not to get noticed. :)
Those who know you, see you for you, not the outward appearance you push out between 8 and 5.
That's true enough -- we all grow and morph into something new with every moment of experience. It's just a bit startling when you find yourself posing as a new person you aren't really sure fits who you thought you were.
I kept thinking I would do such a thing - make my hair some outrageous color again or where something a bit out of the ordinary, but then I got promoted and there went that thought! Corporate America Bites!
"Growing up" is a bitch. I’m 33. I know. But I’m still childish and rebellious, but I am different than I was 8-10 years ago, too. In some ways. I play the game, sure (work/professional/Mom/Wife). You have to - to get by, really. But you know who you are, regardless of what costume you’re in for the day - ya know? As long as you’re not compromising too much in your off-time and are staying true to what sparks you. You don’t have to give in completely, just enough to make the $$ to afford the platforms.
Isn't that the truth!myaxeAugust 13 2004, 09:37:10 UTC
It is amazing how much the working world affects how we act! I am always shocked at myself when I hear something extremely un-Hollie (that's me) come out of my mouth at work. Worse yet, is when my own expectations force me to act a certain way that, normally, would not be my style at all.
I'm just glad I got a good deal of the really bad stuff out of the way before I was truly and adult. I mean, could you imagine half of the crap we (people in general) did in high school being done by someone in there mid to late 20's or early 30's?
Although, some of it is okay - I actually wish I could let go of some of this responsibility for a while and just be - I don't know - more like me, I guess.
Comments 18
My thoughts on this are as follows:
If you don't want to change, then don't start giving up bits of yourself to feed the machine. Because once you give in, it's easier to give another piece next time. Soon, you've given up everything and you realize that you can never get those pieces back.
It comes down to survival, you must adapt. You have not changed, your life has changed. And whether or not you choose to stay where you are, or move with it is up to you. Inside you are the same person.
Until we have everything automated and there are robots working the jobs that we used to, we will have to conform to society just enough not to get noticed. :)
Those who know you, see you for you, not the outward appearance you push out between 8 and 5.
~H ;-)
I’m 33. I know. But I’m still childish and rebellious, but I am different than I was 8-10 years ago, too. In some ways. I play the game, sure (work/professional/Mom/Wife). You have to - to get by, really. But you know who you are, regardless of what costume you’re in for the day - ya know? As long as you’re not compromising too much in your off-time and are staying true to what sparks you. You don’t have to give in completely, just enough to make the $$ to afford the platforms.
; >
This describes me in highschool perfectly, though I was too much of a wimp to carry it much further than clothes and hair dye.
Although, some of it is okay - I actually wish I could let go of some of this responsibility for a while and just be - I don't know - more like me, I guess.
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