And the party will be at my place in BFE. If you want to come message me i will hit you with the address. Please do come I have three acres to myself its pretty boring out there..
they party is byob
and starts around 8ish on the 18th
Birthday wishes
So my birthday is next thursday. And the obligitory i want post follows... so dont ask me "what do you want for your birthday" casue its all right here. if you know me you already have an idea of what to get me.
1. ANY horror movie, widescreen dvd if available is acceptable... I prefer Zombies, Monster, and CHEESY vs slasher serial thrillers.
I have a Tim Burton collection started post fire, I also collect vampire movies and any chinese or asian cinema. REMEMBER IF ITS WEIRD I WILL LIKE IT.
2. Anything creepy or just weird. IE living dead dolls, creepy clowns, i dunno surprise me in this area.
3. ANYTHING OF THE RELIGIOUS NATURE, type of religion doesnt matter, god or devil doesnt matter. I am building an Occult library so start there, demonology, mythology etc.
4 I love books, Old books especially. Stick to fact not fiction your good. UNLESS THE FICTION IS SOMETHING SPECIAL, Old Faerie tales, or way out sci fi will work. Also disney books love them.
5 I also have a green thumb so plants, pots to plant in and statues for the garden i have started are peachy
6. I am a VERY AWESOME COOK. I lost most of my cookware in the fire and what i had replace left when lynsey and i split up so I would love a new wok and steam set, some pampered chef stuff tho expensive is awesome as well.
Now those of you who really know me will know that this list is just a starter and can by me Nubian Princess statues and Big Black Booty Magazines, and fetish gear such a s whips and baby jesus butt plugs all you want. If you know me you know what i like. (i do need more fetish gear, Again fire loss is a bitch)
and lastly if none of this even suits you or your just freakin lazy, give me money gift cards for make up and manicures or show me you boobies and make out with me and your golden.