Dec 04, 2004 05:16
Name: John J. Delmonte
Date of birth: 12/18/1981
Height: 5’11
Weight: 174lbs
Hair: dark brown
Eyes: brown
Orientation: straight
Marital Status: single
Drink: no
Smoke: no
Education: college graduate
Occupation: depends on who you ask. Apparently I'm a gigolo. ::gives dirty look to friends::
Who are you?
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Comments 6
Name: Matthew J McCready
Date of birth: 05/23/1980
Height: 5'9
Weight: 160lbs
Hair: 50% blonde 50% Brown
Eyes: brown
Orientation: straight
Marital Status: single
Drink: yep
Smoke: yep
Education: Almost a college graduate
Occupation: work a hotel, thus making the actul idea of a broadcasting degree obsolete
Date of birth: 11/09/1981
Height: 5’4
Weight: 120lbs
Hair: brown
Eyes: dark brown
Orientation: straight
Marital Status: single
Drink: yess
Smoke: no
Education: in school
Occupation: entertaining john.
Date of birth: 05/18/1981
Height: 5’11
Weight: 145lbs
Hair: Ranges from blonde to red
Eyes: blue, green, and sometimes brown
Orientation: currently sitting, but still straight
Marital Status: single
Drink: sometimes
Smoke: sometimes
Education: nothing formal, but lots of training
Occupation: Technical Application Specialist, which is a fancy way of saying i can do anything and get to go anywhere to do it (kinda like Macgyver)
Who are you?
date of birth: oct. 30th, 1977
height: 5'7.5"
weight: 139 lbs.
hair: i couldn't really say for sure
eyes: light blue
orientation: bisexual
marital status: i hate this question.
drink: sure
smoke: only cloves and weed
education: in college
occupation: professional gum chewer
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