my lump?

Nov 26, 2005 22:18

i just got out of damansara specialist hospital. i had an operation to take out a lump in my right breast. it's been there for quite some time, but i've only realized it about a few months back. the operation only lasted about an hour. i'm fine now, except that i can't move my right hand so much. hospital food's not that bad either. but i had extra ( Read more... )

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Comments 14

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mybluebottle November 26 2005, 18:54:06 UTC
i am :) thx


t4ng3rin3 November 26 2005, 18:52:43 UTC
yeah hope ur feeling much better now :)
dont worry, i had that same thing. right breast too, but i dont think mine's as big as yours though. its called fibroadenoma or something like that. shaped like a fish ball ;P ehehe
im sure you'll be fine babe. take care now ;)


t4ng3rin3 November 26 2005, 18:56:15 UTC
oo you did too? i was so nervous before entering the operation theater that i shook like mad. and the aircond makes it worst.

i'm okay now. i've been walking around like i haven't been there haha. but it hurts when i change shirts. ouch.


mybluebottle November 26 2005, 18:56:53 UTC
forgot to log in =_="


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mybluebottle November 29 2005, 08:12:23 UTC
i'm ok :D

but i hope the wound heals soon because it's so hard for me to mandi >_< my mom berleter macam2. "jgn bagi plaster tu kena air!! nanti kembang!" aih... nak mandi pun susah..


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mybluebottle November 29 2005, 08:06:46 UTC
lol i dont thnk so. the last time i went to kiara park was 4 months ago ;p


lisfleur November 27 2005, 14:57:22 UTC
oh gosh..does it hurt? get well soon!


mybluebottle November 29 2005, 08:08:25 UTC
suprisingly, it doesn't. but i can feel the stitches if i stretch my arm so much.


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