[Her answer is a frequency that, for a moment, seems to be nothing but banging around, a lot of busy metallic rattling, and general bustle before a male voice speaks]
If you can, Miss, get somewhere safe, and if you're hurt, come to the hospital immediately. We don't know the particulars, just that someone is attacking, and something is suppressing everyone's abilities.
If there are others there with you, be sure to stay with them, and arm yourselves if you haven't. [listen to him going on like he's some sort of disaster authority...he's probably just repeating what he's heard others at the hospital say to the people asking what's going on]
Comments 27
If you can, Miss, get somewhere safe, and if you're hurt, come to the hospital immediately. We don't know the particulars, just that someone is attacking, and something is suppressing everyone's abilities.
Ah. I'm in the High school. If that counts as safe, anyhow...
Someone I have come to know was attacked and Grazie a Dio they were able to return to Gohl without further major injury.
But I can not stress enough how important it is for you to stay in a safe area. If you must go out, do so with someone you know.
((Translation: Thank God.))
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