Title: Be Thankful
Fandom: Trying Human, which can be found at
tryinghuman.com/ Pairings: Don/Longus
Author’s Note: I’m writing this as Chapter 13 of the comic is being posted. This one-shot would take place pretty far down the line in the continuity.
Warnings: Interspecies romance, although they don’t get up to anything naughty.
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Comments 5
I secretly prefer my coffee when it contains more sugar than coffee. Convenient that we have a Dunkins on campus that will supply me with that.
And I've taken to drinking my coffee either completely saturated in coffeemate or black. No middle ground. I'm not entirely sure why. So sorry in advance for all the coffeemates that will clutter the fridge while I sit in our room drinking straight from the coffee maker.
Well, enjoy your coffee, I will be huddled in a corner with my bottle of tequila, as we discussed.
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