(no subject)

Jul 26, 2005 19:24

.what real name would you hate to be called?.: i dont know. prolly gretchen or something. i'm also not a big fan of the name ashley (no offense baron)
.if you died, which place would you hate to be buried at?.: i would hate to be buried. i want to be cremated. but NOT kept on someone's mantel in a freaking cookie jar. thats creepy.
which skittle tastes the worst?.: *takes hidden bag of skittles out of desk and tastes each color* i have to agree with sam. the yellow ones are ick.
.what is the worst place to go on a date?.: i have no idea.
.most obnoxious "clique" out there and why?.: the "popular" group at my high school was particularly obnoxious
.least favorite outfit that you still wear to this day?.: my grey dress pants and dark pink shirt.
.most hated book ever read and why?.: the one by thoreau when he went and lived in the woods. but i think it was just because i had to read it all in one night and didn't have time to really ponder it

.favorite fast food meal?.: Two hamburgers from mcdonalds with no pickles and extra onions, a small fry, and orange hi-c
.what color is your most loved hair brush?.: shiny red metal with a black handle
.age range of your t.v./movie crush?.: there are so many. pretty much 18 and over
.favorite type of dinosaur?.: i liked petri!!!!! he was funny
.favorite scene with your t.v./movie crush in it?.: there are so many...
.your most loved pair of underwear?.: the pink and orange halloween ones with the glow in the dark skulls on them
.favorite time to go outside?.: anytime really. if its pitch black night, then i need someone to go with me

.worst pair of shoes you own?.: i just have comfy shoes
.most obnoxious thing you've ever done in a store?.: i was at the video store with angela and michaela and kyler and i tickled angela and she jumped back and hit kyler who fell and knocked over a display. we were thrown out. it was funny.
.worst thing you've ever done in a restaurant?.: choked on a mozzerella stick
.what's your worst habit?.: Biting my nails
.favorite song you'd die if anyone else found out?.: i dont know if i'd die if anyone found out, but... i don't know. i have a soft spot for that "come mr. dj won't you turn the music up" song
.weirdest turn-on you have?.: oh no. i am not revealing my secrets that easily. we need to have dinner first.
.most sexy cartoon character?.: trent from daria. oh god.

.meanest thing you ever said to a friend?.: i dont know. probably something. i dont remember.
.favorite same-sex pairing?.: *shrug*
.favorite food to gorge out on?.: reese's peanut butter cups. the tiny ones though, not the regular size ones. those make me feel like i'm getting fat.
.worst thing you've ever done in school and got away with?.: in high school or college? in high school i didn't do anything. in college, i showed up drunk at a math final. got a B+, too.
.worst outfit/item of clothing you got away with wearing at school?.: *shrug*
.longest time you've taken a shower/bath?.: well, one time i fell asleep in the bath tub, so my record is 3 hours, but consciously, about an hour
.what item do you waste the most?.: i have no idea. prolly water. yeah. definitely water. water.

.funniest thing a friend has ever done?.: just say funny things. its not difficult at all to make me laugh.
.best thing you've ever thrown out of a car?.: one of my socks with the flying cows on them. i was so sad.
.favorite movie to make fun of?.: i dont know. i'm always pointing out those little stupid things that changed between takes, like in girl, interrupted when suzannah is in the cab going to claymoore for the first time and the light blue car which followed her up the driveway is driving down the driveway in the next clip and then when you look behind her taxi the car is brown.
.worst thing you've done in your job/community service.?: i've fallen asleep; one time i accidentally swore at a customer when i thought i had muted the headset; i was at work once and for some reason when they told me to take my lunch break i thought my shift waz over and i went home.
.a time you peed your pants from laughing so hard.?: haha yeah. when i was younger my dad used to hold me down and tickle me until i did. what a loving family
.stupidest thing you've done to insult someone.?: no clue
.worst movie cover ever.?: um...i dont know. i hate when its a cartoon movie and the characters on the cover are done in a different animation than the rest of the movie and they don't look like themselves. like in..um, treasure planet, the hunchback or notre dame, etc.

Freshmen year
1. What School did u attend? scituate high school

2. What year was it? 1999

3.What were your favorite band(s) or artist(s)? oh god. i liked such bad music. oh how horrible. i threw all those CD's in the salvation army bin

4. What was your favorite outfit? black fitted t shirt and green drawstring khakis

5. What was up with your hair? It was LONG...and BLONDE. agh!!!

6. Who were your best friend(s)? Jessie Schmidt, Nicole Peloquin, Emma Tipple, Rachel Tessitore

7. What did you do after school? drama club, art club, french club.

8. Where did you work? nowhere yet

9. Did you take the bus? yeah

10. Who did you have a crush on? adam peck.

11. Did you have a girlfriend/boyfriend and who? no. james dumped me on the first day.

12. Did you fight with your parents? not at all

13. Did you ever get detention? yeah. i was always late.

14. Favorite Subject? art

16. Who did you have a CELEBRITY crush on? i dont even remember actually. i think...mayyybe...heath ledger. but i dont know if that was sophomore year.

17. Did you smoke cigarettes? nope.

18. Did you lug all of your books around in your backpack all day? pshhht. not when a locker would do all that work for me.

19. Best event ever? i dont know.

20. Did you have a 'clique'? i heart the misfits

22. Did you have a "Max" (hangout) like Zach, Kelly and Slater? nah. just the art room.

23. Admit it, were you popular? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i never had a chance!

24. Who did you want to be just like? my sister or my cousin

25. What did you want to be when you grew up? an animal trainer actually. i suppose that works pretty well with theatre too... hehe.

26. Where did you think you'd be at the age you are now? pretty much where i am now, though minus a few fingers.
27. What was the color of your yearbook? blue. they were always blue.

28. What were the colors of your school? blue and white.

29. What was your mascot? oh man it was the ugliest thing. it was a spartan, but oh god. it scared the crap out of me.

30. Who was your favorite teacher? mrs. pelletier.

31. Summing it all up, did you like your freshmen year? not at all. in fact, i'm researching some way to erase high school from my mind permanently.
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