Well my life has taken quite a few interesting turns in the past couple of months. As most people already know, I'm with Amy. I've been raving like a crazed fangirl for a while now (technically I still am raving). I've had a horrible streak when it's come to physical health with all the car accidents, injuries and Friday the 13th. I'm good now, just really sore. Mentally, I've been pretty much "EEEEEEEEE" all this time save a moment or two, but that's what happens when you have lots of free time to think. Thinking has always been a problem with me, but then that isn't a surprise. I was worried about a few things, namely the drifting away of friends. I thought people were slowly slipping and I got scared. This group has been a place of strength and support ever since I've known you all. Naturally, I was afraid of losing it. I'm not too sure nowadays, but I'm hoping for the best. That's another thing that I've been noticing. I've been hopeful, maybe too hopeful. I'm not sure if it's necessarily a bad thing, but it can really get to you when things don't live up to your hopes. Not to say anything major has happened to bring me down, it just gets a bit irksome when those little things you hope for, no matter how much you already know they won't happen, still don't happen. I guess I'm just weird like that. Going to VCU Monday, hoping all the way. Anywho, that's my attempt at a real post. It actually has a bit of insight. Ta da!!!