Name: Alexandra
Age: 16
Sex: F
Location: Kenosha, WI
A couple things you like: livejournal, my dog, LOST, Alias, watching movies, being with friends
Dislike: liars, when there's nothing around to eat, hypocrites
Tell us an embarrassing story: one time i was walking up the stairs with my friends and i tripped on one of the stairs and i fell kind of was really stupid but still embarrassing.
How did you find mybuttisyummie?: a promo community
FAVORITES (you may put more than one)
Color: this is my least favorite question mainly because i have never had a favorite color in my life.
Show: LOST and Alias
Movies: Pulp Fiction, Requiem for a Dream, Garden State, Love Actually (and seriously I could go on and on)
Music: i like all types of music (except for country) but i absolutely love coldplay!
Outfit(a pic would be nice, but doesn't matter): my hollister trackjacket with a white cami underneath and my light/faded jeans.
Person and why: my aunt kathy because she still knows how to have fun and not worry so much about everything. she's a great person to be around and you just can't help but to smile when you're near her.
What famous person are you dying to meet?(dead or alive) hmm dominic monaghan
What is your most shopped at store? either hollister or american eagle
And we check: PICTURES
Have at least 2. More will give you a better chance of being accepted.