Name: Nina
Age: 14
Sex: Female
Location: Florida
A couple things you like: swimming, friends, music, showers, and massages
Dislike: feet, bugs, WhEn pEOpLe TyPE LyKe dIs, and being sick
Tell us an embarrassing story: Well, once I was in NY visiting family and I had to pee really bad. So, we went into this pizza place and I went in the bathroom to do my business. This bathroom was a boy and girl bathroom by the way. I guess I forgot to lock the door because this guy walks in on my and is starring at me while I'm on the pot. I was like 11 years old.
How did you find mybuttisyummie?: One of my friends posted it in her journal.
FAVORITES (you may put more than one)
Color: blue and green
Show: Friends, Boy Meets World
Movies: The Notebook, all of the American Pie's, Best of Will Farrell (SNL), Night at the Roxbury
Music: Rock (Taking Back Sunday, Anberlin, My Chemical Romance, All American Rejects)
Outfit(a pic would be nice, but doesn't matter):
it says I Burn Up the Dance Floor. I love this hoodie!
Person and why: Probably my little sister. I love my friends no doubt, but she's always behind my back giving my compliments and stuff. She looks up to me. I love her! lol
What famous person are you dying to meet?(dead or alive) BRAD PITT!!
What is your most shopped at store? American Eagle
And we check: PICTURES
Have at least 2. More will give you a better chance of being accepted.
oh yes one more thing... please say which one you want in the members page in case accepted.
haha you can put the third one on the meber page lol!