Pointless cellphone meme

May 31, 2009 21:44

1. Grab Your Phone.
I'm only doing this because it was right next to me.

2. What is the 3rd picture of in your phone?

Cow Parade!

3. What's your ringtone?
Dick Dale "Misarlou"

4. Who's the 1st person that comes up under M?
"Manager's Office" for my old apartment manager. Actually this reminds me my old roommate sent me a message on Facebook asking for the manager's number... I should go reply to that...

5. Who's the last person you called? On purpose?
My mom.

6. Who was your last missed call from?
My mom.

7. Who's the 1st person who comes up under C?
Carrie. Wait, I don't know anyone named Carrie... And it's a NYC number. I don't know anyone in NYC. WTF. (Also my brain put Carrie + NYC together and only produced Carrie Bradshaw. Um, probably not it.)

8. Who's your speed dial number 2?
Don't use speed dial.

9. What does 3rd text in your your inbox say?
"No internet here. prop 8 decision comes out around 10 according to npr. let me know how it comes out?" *sigh*

10. Who was your last received call from?
My mom. (I had to pick up the phone eventually.)

11. What does your 2nd sentbox text say?

12. How many messages are currently in your inbox?
103. Even though the limit is supposedly 100. This is why all my texts bounce and I never get them when they're actually sent.

13. What is the wallpaper?

Renoir's Dance at Bougival, my fav painting at the MFA in Boston. It looks much better in person than on a crappy cellphone camera. Her dress is luminous. Once I touched it.

14. Who's speed dial number 1?
Voice mail?? Maybe?

15. Who is the 15th message from in your inbox?

16. Who's the 1st person who comes up under B?
Bindu. Another old roommate. Maybe I need to clean up my contact list.

17. How many bars of signal do you currently have?

18. What network are you on?

19. Name every person you have a message from in your inbox.

20. What does your 6th text message in your inbox say?
"I need to pee"

21. Who is the first person in your contacts?
Aaron, whom I have not yet called accidentally.

22. Who is the last name in your contacts?

23. What does the last text in your inbox say?
"Table awesome salutes you!" (It's like 2 years old... I'm sentimental about texts.)

24. What is your screensaver?
Don't have one.

25. What is your balance?
0? I never go over minutes...

26. Who's the last person under H?

27. What is your bluetooth name?
I don't have bluetooth! I illegally drive and use the phone at the same time! Occasionally.

28. How many numbers are in your phone?
64 contacts + alt numbers which I'm not going to bother to count

29. Could you live without it?
Probably, except then I'd get lost a lot and then not know what to do. Remember back in the day when you went somewhere with people and then split up and had to assign a meeting place and time, instead of just wandering off and being like "call me in a hour"? Dark times.


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