Ok, so after a magnitude of flailing on my part after TEH SCENE in “Lucky Thirteen" I decided to put my two cents into the whole analyzing fun.
Therefore, to read some thoughts and interpretations o TEH SCENE in House MD 5x05.
First of all the whole episode wasn’t that bad, although “Where is Cuddy? I need Cuddy” crossed my mind quite A FEW times… Of course the whole waiting was all worth. The last scene was just SKJSHGHSJKSHFSKHFKSHF! *grin*
During my first watching of The baby shop scene a few things crossed my mind.
1) Cuddy looks like she’s going to burst out with happiness when she finally tells House about the adoption.
2) Cuddy and Wilson looks like parents-to-be telling House they are expecting.
3) House’s reactions means “I’m not going to be the most important person in her life anymore!”
4) Wilson’s confusion means he’s surprised to see this reaction on House’s part.
5) Cuddy’s hopeful “are you going to congratulate me?” means she wants, no, NEEDS House’s approval on this all.
6) House’s “If you’re happy, I’m…” (was it “I’m…” or was it “I am”? because I heard “I am” thus I was all “he want her to be happy, even if he’s clearly not!, her happiness matters to him!”) is meaningful.
Those were my first thought. But after some time, some rethinking over this scene, re watching it a few times and reading some comments I come to some conclusions.
And here they are.
Firstly when House shows up he’s not suspecting anything. ANYTHING! And this made me curious why. He’s this kind of person that needs to know everything of their closest (and not so closest) friends, employers and all. Yet, he doesn’t have a tinniest clue what’s going on. He was so involved in getting Wilson back, so …giddy (the first scene when he screwed up with Wilson in his office) to have back his best friend, that he has missed completely a major part of Cuddy’s life!
I think it has happened unintentionally and he has realized this when Cuddy has spilled everything. Notice that before Cuddy says anything, he’s trying to understand the whole situation, the reasons behind it all. Normally, he would have some information before, he would have been prepared what to expect, but here he isn’t. He deals with this his usual way, meaning he’s snarky. But Cuddy’s not in the mood to play his games. She so excited she just burst the happy news. She’s all smiley, her eyes shine, she lifts her chin slightly all eager to tell him and see his happiness for her.
But, he’s not.
He’s just to flabbergasted by this news. His jaws literary drops, his eyes widen, he can’t believe his own ears, he need a reassurance from Wilson if it’s true (the eyes flickering to his). He is so shocked by this that he actually becomes speechless. House I-Always-Have-A-Smarty-Comeback is S.P.E.E.C.H.L.E.S.S.!
The world is crushing around him. He is just watching her unbelievingly and the silence starches and starches until it becomes awkward and Cuddy breaks it. Her soft voice saying “Are you going to congratulate me?” breaks him out of shock and he just looks so uncomfortable. He can’t look into her eyes, he doesn’t want her to see what’s so evident in his. He tries to gather himself as much as he can and say something that won’t take away her happiness. Thus he says “If you are happy, I’m…” but he can’t finish it. He just has to get away from them has to run and proceed what he is feeling right now, what this startling news means to him, because it seems that there has been some epiphany going in this moment. I’ll get to this a bit later.
Now, there is Wilson, too, in this scene. His reactions are quite interesting. He just got back on good terms with House in their friendship, he didn’t wanted the have any secrets/issues with him, thus he allowed House to follow him. He feels guilty (boy, is he able to lie! /sarcasm) about breaking Cuddy’s confidence, but he knows she’ll forgive him. He explains himself to House and is happy for Cuddy. And then he’s confused to House’s reaction. Both of Wilson and Cuddy (and a major part of, if not all, audience) were excepting a sanrky comment from House. Bur he’s just speechless. And it surprises Wilson. It seems there is something about House that Wilson doesn’t know. And I’m expecting Wilson confronting House about this later.
Now, I want to go back to Cuddy’s reaction to House’s speechlessness.
Look at her reaction when House is leaving the shop. Her shoulders are slouched, she looks down on the floor, there is not even a hint of smile in her face. She looks like a balloon that has lost it’s all air, all excitement. House’s approval meant the world to her but she hasn’t got it and now she can’t be as happy has she should. I’ll be back to this later.
Now onto my thoughts why House reacted this way to the whole situation.
The first factor is the shock of learning about it all. He didn’t have a freaking clue about anything. I’ve explained in earlier thus I’m not going to repeat myself.
Next one is being overlooked once more. Let’s put ourselves into House’s shoes for a while. He comes into the shop. Sees Cuddy standing next to a crib with Wilson, both looking kinda cozy. He dismiss this and acts like himself, but his body language screams I-Want-Answers-Now!. He stands opposite them. Wilson and Cuddy stand next to each other … like a couple. And Cuddy delivers the news she’s going to be finally a mother. Through adoption. And House realizes a few things:
a) Cuddy has involved Wilson not him; and he has a déjà vu from WYD timeline. Again, he was overlooked. And if you look at this through PI comment that House wanted Cuddy to see him in different light, then it’s a major blow to his ego. She still sees him as not worth to be a father, worst, as not worth to even be involved in her dreams about having a baby. Ouch, this must have hurt.
b) Cuddy has achieved on her own something she couldn’t do earlier; what’s more this something needed his help before (a.k.a the injections ). If we take all those times Cuddy has helped House, we realize that it’s almost always Cuddy who is giving and House who is taking in their relationship. I think House sees like that and thus he kept her confidence with the injections. Finally, he was able to give something in return. And after her staying by his bedside post-bus crash, I think he was bound to feel grateful for her. Many times House has shown small hints of very deep feelings, thus I’m keen on believing he saw Cuddy’s need of his help with getting a child of her own as a way for him to give her something. And here, he realized this was taken from him. He no longer has anything to give her (in his mind of course) which leads us to next realization:
c) Cuddy actually doesn’t needs him anymore (if she ever did). And she doesn’t want him. She can just move forward without him, be happy without him, and he’ll just stay, where he is, popping his Vicodin and diagnosing patients. House has always thought that if Cuddy would end up with a kid he'd somehow be a part of that. The adoption announcement has made him realize that just not the way. He realized he can actually lose her. And this scared him the most. He can lose her. He won’t be the center of her attention anymore. He won’t be able to play his mind games with her because she won’t be having time for this. Her focus, her whole attention will be solely focused on the baby. And he’s- he’s left alone. Left behind. And that scares the sh*ts out of him.
There is one more thing I find amazing about House’s reaction or the disability to hide it.
He was unable to masks his true feelings. This means that he can’t detach himself from all of this. The it’s so big for him that he can’t cope with it his usual way. He can’t just defect it by some snarky comment, he needs to run away and think it all over, to analyze his feelings, dealt with it all. And what this actually means for us shippers? It means his emotions are so deep, so overwhelming, that they are overflowing him. And what can cause this? There is only one emotion that comes to my mind - L.O.V.E
House Loves Cuddy. And here we have a visual proof of that (another one, but this is such a more obvious one!)
Now, I’d like to focus a bit on why Cuddy hadn’t told House about the adoption.
In the baby shop scene, she tells House that she didn’t want anyone to know about the adoption in case she wouldn’t be approved of. And I think she was telling the truth. She is a woman of success, thus she takes failure pretty hard. So far she had experienced only failures in her pursue to become mother. If many people knew about her attempts, she would get many sympathetic pats on her back. Thus she decided to tell it only one person - the one doing the character references. I think she has been sitting in her home weighing the pros and cons of choosing House or Wilson, and the later won (if only for one obvious reason - being predictable). Thus House was left out. Actually, she has done the same in WYD. True, she was “robbed” of the choice then (by House’s snoopiness), but after she decided to trust House with the injections, Wilson was left out about it all. It’s in Finding Judas (!) that we see Wilson learning about Cuddy’s dreams and attempts at getting pregnant.
Also, choosing Wilson was a safe choice for another reason - he wouldn’t have told anyone about her attempts at adoption if she was not approved. And she wouldn’t be opened to another hurtful comment form House when he’s going through some hard time while she tries to help him (a.k.a. the one in Finding Judas). It was a self-protection that kinda backfired, as Wilson did spilled it all to House (well allowed House to find out, which is the same for me) and House actually hadn’t! It was her who told Wilson about the injections.
There is one more reason why Cuddy might have wanted to keep House in darkness. I think it’s safe to say that his opinion is the most important to her. She values it very highly (like he does of hers actually). She wanted to be approved by him, but if he wouldn’t have don it, then having a baby of her own would have helped her get over the sting of his dismissal. That’s why she wanted to tell him after she got the baby, but again the choice was taken form her (this time by Wilson), she was forced to tell him earlier. She was eager to see his happiness for her, but she got none. And it depressed her. Quite heavily.
And finally I’d like to point out one more thing. House’s “If you’re happy, I’m….” was not said once in this episode but twice! He told it to Cuddy at the end of the episode, true, but he told it to Wilson earlier, when he thought Wilson’s seeing a hooker. What’s more he reacted the same way in both cases. He ran out of the room. We know he cares deeply for Wilson. Loves him. And what this tells us about Cuddy? He feels the same for her. Those two are the most important people in his life. And he wants to be a part of their lives. The biggest part of their lives, because actually, they are the biggest part of his. But firstly it looked like Wilson’s got another woman (the same thread Amber was) and Cuddy is going to have a baby. And House is left behind in both scenarios. And he’s scared out of his mind by this. What he want’s to say in the sentence is: “If you're happy, I'm …alone.”. Basically if Wilson and Cuddy are happy, then House is alone. And I think this is the biggest revelation for House. Things change and he has to change with them or he’ll be left behind, left alone.
So... What do you think?
Leave your comments, share your thoughts, point all flaws in my reasoning. Let’s discuss it more :)