Ok., so here is my review/thoughts on House MD 5x02 “Not cancer” I should post the review of “Adverse events” today as well.
Have a nice read! :)
Just like before, I’m writing my review chronically.
First of all, the teaser of this episode is THE BEST in the whole series. Intriguing, mind blowing, pure awesomeness. I’ve never been so giddy watching a teaser. :) Kudos to the writers *thumbs up*
The scene with the Ducklings was good. I really liked the way it was shot with the camera sliding from Duckling to another. And House’s randomness of his thoughts about Wilson while they were trying to do the differential was hilarious. And kudos to Kutner for summarizing Wilson’s role in House’s life in that stop-acting-like-a-baby-and-do-your-job kind of voice: “he paid for your lunches, liked Monster Tucks and was your conscience” What a way to simplify Hilson relationship ;) He told House dismissingly what he wanted to hear, and that’s what stopped House forcing him to listen. Me likes Kutner even more.
And House’s speech in the first scene was actually linked to the scene in the cafeteria. In thee morgue he was wondering what Wilson has been actually doing for him a.k.a. he was trying to analyze if he really needed Wilson, if Wilson could be replaced. And he decided to test it with that O’Shea doctor in the cafeteria. Poor guy, he was so freaked out by House’s antics! “You know I’m not gay. Right?” LMAO :D
And the hallucination! Very well done! House the Killer :D
OMG! The PI! He just rocks! I was so wary of his character but the introducing scene was amazing! “Did … he just laughed?” “no, I sneezed.” OMG! Seriously! And the socks! “I’m just not good with disguises…” I think I’m falling in love, he’s so cute! And House’s faces were great, too. And what the-? 2300$?! I wanna be a PI too! ;)
I don’t know why, but the scene with getting the consent made me like a bit more the POTW. She was very realistic in her selfishness, well it wasn’t exactly selfishness, more like acting on her survival instincts. She wanted to save herself and it was very realistic even if not morally correct. I don’t approve of her actions, I actually frowned upon them, yet a small part of me felt sorry for her. I really liked the acting of the Widow-to-Be too. A very good scene. Very dramatic. And Poor Taub, I like that he has morals in the end. I wonder how he will change under House or if he’s even going to change. He seems like that kind of person that will stay faithful to his believes no matter what.
And again we have Kutner to the rescue. Once more he has come up with a possible theory, even if it’s a long shot. He does have a unconventional way of thinking.
Another PI/House scene! PI’s “Not until you learn how to read!” reply just stole my heart. PI is love! And OMG is Dr O’Shea having an affair with his sister?! EW! EW! EW! EW! Wait a moment. How did House know about this? Was there some hint in the cafeteria scene? Did Dr. O’Shea’s fear of being seen as straight was a give away to House? But still EW! Gosh, this is such a disturbing image… I hope to never see this doc again!
Anyway, PI is in kinda similar to House; he has a witty remark to everything House has to say. And it’s actually very refreshing to see House being shot down by someone else for a change. And PI analysis of House’s reason for hiring him! He just hit the spot. “You want me to find out if there is something to make him (a.k.a. Wilson) come back.” And House’s vulnerable “Is there?” My heart just stopped in this moment. Actually I think PI’s stopped too. I think he has pitied House in this moment. A very good scene. And PI’s naming the price at the end was done in purpose IMHO. House and PI had a bonging moment but they are not supposed to be friends thus the naming of the price was a reminder that he’s just a hired guy.
And once more our Golden boy a.k.a. Kutner comes up with an excellent idea impressing even House himself. I love Kutner, he’s a cute, funny little Duckling and I love his unconventional way of thinking but I think it’s being a bit overdone. Anyway the scene with the corpse was fabulous! I don’t remember when was the last time I’ve laughed so hard. Poor Foreman. I did suspected something like that might happen when the stomach got bigger and some of the goo spilled while Foreman was standing in front of it. But still I burst out laughing. Actually, I’m laughing every time I rewatch this scene. Pure brilliance. :D And I really liked how Kutner ordered Foreman.
The scene with the nurse was funny. I liked this nurse quite a lot; she reminded me of Brenda. I miss Brenda, hope we’ll see her some time soon!
House/POTW bonding time. :) I love this POTW. She gives us such a great insight into House’s character. Especially in this scene. House is surprised that POTW has given up architecture to be a math teacher after being able to see. She actually surprises him with her cynic way of seeing world. His reaction show us this. What’s more his reaction show us indirectly that deep inside he wants to see a better world, that he believes in seeing better world, at actually becoming better himself. He confirms this with his “I haven’t given up”. It’s one of the most important scenes in the episode. House is seeing himself in the POTW. Actually, it’s her who is forcing him unintentionally to see this by her speech about her bitter life after the transplant of her eye. And he does see the similarities between them. An he doesn’t like what he sees. He rebels against those similarities. He realizes that he hasn’t given up. That he isn’t as cynic and bitter as her. That he still believes. And this is a great promise for future changes in House’s life, changes that might be for a better, changes that might actually be very good in the Huddy department ;)
OMG PI is hilarious! He’s stalking pretty girls in a creepy and dumb way! He’s so entertaining. I can’t wait to see some House/Cuddy/PI action. Can you imagine Pi stalking Cuddy and then House marking his territory? Ha! That would be wonderful.
And now back to their conversation. We’ve got an other hint at Wameron bonding time. A set up for something or what? I want to see at least one Chameron scene in the episode ‘cause so far I hardly even remember they are together let alone feel about it…
But getting back to Wilson, Cuddy has visited him too, she’s such a great friend… and even Foreman called him. So Wilson hasn’t cut himself off from the life at PPTH, he just removed House from his life. And what an interesting explanation coming from PI, you ignore something that doesn’t matter or something that you wish wouldn’t matter. It’s actually a hint for later eps (a.k.a, Birthmarks). I just realized this.
I love the shooting of the Hilson scene. The quick changes form one guy to other just increase the feeling of anxiety and anticipation. I loved how House has thrown the money into the flat. The tension in this scene is amazing. When Wilson tired to close the door and then House asked “How are you?” my breath stopped. House is really trying to do his best. He really wants to get his best friend back. And it really hurt him to know Wilson is hanging out with Cam, speaking with Cuddy or Foreman but completely ignoring him. And then he throws the ‘not being friends anymore’ quote back at Wilson. Serves Wilson right! But I still felt for both of them. I couldn’t agree more with Wilson’s “there is other world around you, House” Yet I hurt for House, ‘cause I want him to get his best buddy back. It was a very good scene, very in character, and very emotional. Kudos on both Hugh and Robert’s acting.
And seriously, PI is a LOT like House. The whole friends conversation - I just knew it was all about you so I named a number - was very House-ian. Interesting :) BUT! I got VERY angered that House has listed only one friend! And what about Cuddy, for Heaven’s sake?! She’s what a decoration? A helpful tool? Man I was so disappointed in that moment. But later I thought about it and came to this theory. I think that Cuddy is someone special for House. Wilson is his best mate, Ducklings (old and new) are his employees, Stacy was his love, but Cuddy… Cuddy is Cuddy. She’s not only a woman, she’s not only an Administrator, she’s not only a friend, she so much more. She’s Cuddy. He can’t define her, because simple definition just doesn’t apply for her. She’s Cuddy, thus he isn’t labeling her as friend. And he can’t define his feelings for her. Actually (what I’m going to write is based on my knowledge on ‘Lucky Thirteen’ and spoilers for ‘Joy’), I think he doesn’t like to think about his feelings for her. He just prefers to ignore them, to not analyze them. He’s hoping that if everything is like it is, things won’t change. He’ll always have her in his life without the need to look into his feelings. But this season it’s evident that Cuddy is trying to move on with his life by adopting a baby. And it’s scares House. Suddenly the feelings he has had buried for so long are coming to the surface, because now his position in her life is threatened. Those feelings were buried for so long that they actually scare even House himself. But he has to deal with them or he might lose Cuddy forever. And I hope that the result of this will be for the best (meaning in Huddy direction ;) )
Finally! We’ve got Cuddy scene. Seriously the lack of Cuddy in this season so far is unacceptable! I need more Cuddy! Anyway, glad to have at least one scene with her. And what a scene it was! We’ve got Badass Cuddy back! She can outsmart House. And he was actually taken aback by her promise! She has hired police to guard her patient! Cuddy-1 House-0 LOL. Gotta love her. :D
I really like this song used for this ep.
House used PI to make the girl crash. Ok. Sp mow it’s 1:1 ;) And I liked how it was shown to us with the socks. I like when things are happening for a reason in this show just like with the scenes in this eps, firstly with the coffee maker and then here with the patient. Very clever :)
Ugh, the brain operation… there is actually quite a lot of gooey things in this ep… I’m not a squeamish person but I think there was a little too much of those gooey things…
And Chase! Yay for another Chase appearance! :D
Ok, PI Guy is very naïve. He was shocked at what House has made him, or more like manipulated, to do. On the other hand, he’s very observant and what’s more he’s accurate with his observations. And he’s very blunt about them. It was a hard but truthful bow to say that House is actually paying someone to listen to him. I really like the House/PI interactions. It’s evident that House likes him, and I’m pretty sure PI likes House too, yet he’s not trying to commit. As if he knew that no matter how much they would bond now when Wilson will be back he will just disappear. We know that is the case here, but still I feel sad about it. I’d really like to see ore scenes of PI. I’m all for the spin-off with him, yet I’m afraid that it’s house character that is giving the PI his appeal. I’m not sure if the spin-off is even considered anymore, heard it’s not the case…
The last scene with House and the POTW was just so- so beautiful. Can you believe we’ve got House who s bringing hope (of all things) to another human being? I’m still amazed by this House wanted for the POTW to see the better side of the world, to see that world isn’t ugly. And this means that he, himself, doesn’t see the world as ugly. He doesn’t call the world beautiful, because House is not an idealist, he’s realist thus he says “things are going to be what they are” which actually in is opinion doesn’t mean ugly. Wonderful The character development here is just magnificent.
And I had tears in my eyes when she said that House looked sad. So true and so- so touching. This whole scene was very touching. And the ending was bitter. I love PI but the ending showed us that House is really lonely without Wilson.
All in all it was a very interesting episode. We got to know PI (who I adore) and what’s more we’ve got new development of House’s character.
Hope you’ve enjoyed this little recap (with some thoughts).