Title: A Love Story - House MD Style
Pairings: The Dean and her Diagnostician
Genre: Romance/Drama/Angst
Warnings: mild spoilers for the whole series in later 'chapters'...
Rating: PG-13/R-ish
Chapters: series of drabbles 1/?
Status: WIP
Word Count: 215
Disclaimer: I don't own House M.D. nor the characters.
Summary: Because there was always
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Comments 3
Although it's eerie how similar the beginning it is to something I typed up but never finished about their first meeting in college ( I have NEVER finished any of my House fic). It's not exactly alike or anything, but the setting bears a likeness.
Great minds thinking alike I guess! ;)
Anyways though, I enjoyed it and I look forward very much to the rest of the "series". :D
Hope you'll finish some of your Huddy fics. I must admit I had started this one right after Wilson's Heart. It was supposed to be one-shot made of drabbles. But I just needed to take a break from it and it stayed on my hard drive since then... i hope posting them will inspire me to wirte more. :)
I had a couple of things started, but my computer crashed, and I lost them all unfortunately. :(
Wow, that's a long time! This stuff always takes longer to write than people realize. I was writing a multi-chapter fic for another fandom once and I was stunned by how long it took me.
Hopefully posting more WILL inspire you. :)
And the new season can't hurt in that area either. :D
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