So I wrote a drabble. First piece I have written in ages, and it's really short. You can guess who the character is, and I suppose this is kind of like therapy.
SERIOUSLY, like i love this insanely. i reach the end and go MOOOOORE PLEASE? hahahaha, there is a certain dark quality to this, which of course i like about it. so well done my friend!
I have probably rediscovered my writing muse given I am so crushed and miserable as of this moment. Since yesterday actually, which was I wrote this piece of misery in about a few minutes but it wasn't very theraputic and I continued to be very angry at myself for the entire day.
I always seem to write when I am unhappy or tormented in some way. Man. I feel so dejected and impossible right now. Also! Bet you didn't guess that it was Illian. Or perhaps you did :D
Comments 3
SERIOUSLY, like i love this insanely. i reach the end and go MOOOOORE PLEASE? hahahaha, there is a certain dark quality to this, which of course i like about it. so well done my friend!
I always seem to write when I am unhappy or tormented in some way. Man. I feel so dejected and impossible right now.
Also! Bet you didn't guess that it was Illian. Or perhaps you did :D
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