Title: Milkshake Pairing: YunJae Rating: PG Genre: Romance, Fluff Summary: Jaejoong has been seeing Yunho making milkshakes in the kitchen and he wonders why.
it's nice^^ and for some reason i get the impression that jaejoong is like a very curious little child who always asks his mom or dad 'what is that?' xD very interesting :]
the fluff is very adorable! yunho trying his best to make the perfect scene to propose is a wonderful idea^^ but he got caught too many times. He should learn to hide things faster 8) *snatches milkshake*
i don't see much typos but only at some point i think the sentence is either missing something or i just don't understand lol but anyway the writing is legible^^ good work<3
Comments 38
the fluff is very adorable! yunho trying his best to make the perfect scene to propose is a wonderful idea^^ but he got caught too many times. He should learn to hide things faster 8) *snatches milkshake*
i don't see much typos but only at some point i think the sentence is either missing something or i just don't understand lol but anyway the writing is legible^^ good work<3
thanks for reading and commenting. :D
Thanks for writing/sharing :)
btw, I love your fic, 'Super Gay and Screaming' ~~ And i'm sorry also cause i didn't get to post a comment on that one! lol
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thanks for reading and commenting. (:
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