DVDs and comic books. The DVDs are mostly box-sets, theres a few anime box sets and some horror movies and horror series box sets... and then there's a few thousand comics. well maybe more like 2500. It has well known things like X-Men and Spider Man, as well as less known things like preacher, we also have those evil ernie comics, a whoooole pile of lobo, quite a few independant releases and some really old stuff like... hmm... I think it was called 'professor weirwulf's haunted library' or something. If you want me to look through and see if we have some specific comics or comic series I can, or if you want me to list the specific DVDs, again, can be done.
Is there any way I could get a list of what you have? I might be able to get rid of a fair bit of it, assuming you don't want full retail price. Personally, I'm interested mostly in strange comics and DVDs, again depending on what you have.
Sure - I'll send you the unfinished database of the comic stock and I'll list the DVDs right now...
Anime: Trigun box Chobits box Devil Lady box Fruits Basket box Hellsing box Tenchi Muyo Ryo Ohki DVD 1
Horror: Tales From the Crypt Digi Pack #3
I could have sworn we had more horror DVDs than that... and we also have Jojo's Bizzarre Adventure 1 and 2, but those are on an unconfirmed reserve. If it remains unconfirmed...
Anyways, we'd want to sell them at enough of a price that it covers the initial cost and the shipping, they were bought at wholesale prices so it will probably still be below retail. I'll have to find the recepts and calculate the prices though.
As for the comics - because we haven't finished the catalogue, what would you like us to aim for finishing first? The independant stuff? Or just go through it all and finish it eventually?
Comments 4
Trigun box
Chobits box
Devil Lady box
Fruits Basket box
Hellsing box
Tenchi Muyo Ryo Ohki DVD 1
Tales From the Crypt Digi Pack #3
I could have sworn we had more horror DVDs than that... and we also have Jojo's Bizzarre Adventure 1 and 2, but those are on an unconfirmed reserve. If it remains unconfirmed...
Anyways, we'd want to sell them at enough of a price that it covers the initial cost and the shipping, they were bought at wholesale prices so it will probably still be below retail. I'll have to find the recepts and calculate the prices though.
As for the comics - because we haven't finished the catalogue, what would you like us to aim for finishing first? The independant stuff? Or just go through it all and finish it eventually?
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